Human Incubus

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***Dedicated to Steph Simmons; who fought bravely and cut the cord with the one who controlled her.***

Trust is earned
Not given out like candy
But what happens when
Life throws you curveballs
That you seek reprieve
Wherever you can find it

And when all vulnerability
Comes to a head
A human incubus
Can take advantage

Help me
I'll kill myself if you don't talk
I am lonely
Me me me

The incubus cries
For love and attention
And you give and give
Until it has you
Right where it wants you

You can't escape
It taunts you
Brainwashes you
Against family
And friends

Only it matters
Its feelings

Your needs
Very existence
Is threatened

For you don't matter
Unless you're serving it
Human incubus
Sucks all light out
Leaving a shell

The human
Is slowly dying
Where can the will power
Come from to
Cease and desist

How to leave the
Human incubus
Once and for all
Without getting sucked back in

Do it!
You can!
When you realize
Your self worth
Isn't wrapped up
In it

And finally
It happens
One insult
Time too many

An opportunity
Presents itself
You jump at the chance
You're ready
You're strong

You take what you need
What's owed to you
And you block
Out of sight
Out of mind

The human incubus
Has no more power over you
Now it's time to heal your soul
Peace is upon

Thank you lord
You are free!

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