Shit Day

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Not all days

Are good ones

Sometimes situations

Beyond your control

Comprise to form a

Shit day

A herd of cattle

Have better manners

Then the Ivy League school

Grad program

That came to stay

At our Dead Sea hotel

An institution of

American grandeur

That produced our

Current president

And his wife

Trashed both beach

And sea

Of this fading

Natural wonder

They were treated

As royalty

While the rest

Of the guests

Were left by the sidelines

These faux kings and queens

Of American old and new money

Had as much respect

For this land, sea, country, and people

As pigs do to their piles of dung

It's an embarrassment

To our nation

To be represented

By these

Neanderthal-like fools

Onward and onward

The day went south fast

When going to dinner

Produced a waitress with

An attitude so bad

Making me want to slap

The bitch out of her

I walked out and another

Waiter apologized to us

The food was atrocious

And we had to buy mineral water

Plus take an herbal probiotic

To clear the internal stain

Shit day finally ended

With sleep

Never to return again

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