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Driving into NYC for the first time
Since 2013 was heaven
Three years had gone by
Since I sat behind the wheel of my car
And drove it with music playing
Windows down

Out for a night on the town
In the best city in the world
I'd been to NYC since the start
Of my recovery
But only by train or during the day

But this? No, this was the biggest
Of the many huge steps
I have taken since last August 1st

This one was personal
It meant something massive
Being able to get my NYC driving mojo
Back was essential

Hanging out with an old friend was
Great fun
Coming home at 3am
Was epic
Realizing I had done it
Clinched the prize

It was electrifying, exciting, funny
The adjectives not enough to balance
Out the joy within me
Even though I woke up saying
I'm too old for this
It was done with a laugh

Many people consider
As huge accomplishments
And in some case they are

But for me
Especially now when I'm
One week away
From my celebration of life
This goes down as
The milestone for the books!

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