Celebration of Life

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Today is August 1st of 2016
1 year to the day
When everything changed
When I became the miracle
I had often read about
Or watched on a show like
Touched By An Angel

By the time I woke up that year
Ago today
I was still bedridden
But I had come back from
The brink
Of death
Of transition

It wasn't my time yet
I hadn't served my purpose
Finished my last life
The way I was meant to

I've told the story of my
Rebirth in the beginning
Now I share my
Celebration of life

A whole year
365 days
Have passed since then
I've had wonderful times
And not so good ones

But nothing in comparison to
What was
And what never will be again
I'm determined to make this
A forever remission

Today the celebration was great
I drank champagne and wine
Showed off my marinating skills
Which were praised and yum'd over

Listening to music with family
And friends while eating good food
And drinking in celebration of life
Each toast more poignant then the last
Was a marvel

Today I marked my 1 year since
My rebirth
My celebration of life
Now the only thing left
Is to go forward
Without stopping

Choose a path on the crossroads
And follow the heart and brain
To the best choice
And destination possible


***Continue on to Walking Forward to the Beginning (book 5)***

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