Playing Soccer with Leaves

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Sports are boring
At least to me
Unless you watch
The Olympics

But sometimes
A simple chore
Can turn into
A goal making

Is a beautiful time of year
When the trees change colors
And their coverings
Fall upon the ground

One while sweeping
The deck to see the wood below
May wind up
Playing soccer with leaves

Once the brush has done
Its job and there are a select
Few left over
Kicking them between
The bars onto the ground

It's an event
You vs Nature
The deck acts as a field
And goalie

Who will win this
Game of whimsical fun?
For now it's me

But tomorrow
As more of these
Playful multicolored
Babies of trees
Fall to the ground

The next round begins of
Playing soccer with leaves
And it's anybody's guess
Until winter comes and
All is hidden, blown away

Rematch next year?
You betcha!

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