Miserable Fear

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When dreams become nightmares

When fear demons

Invade every atom

Of your being

You have the most

Miserable fear

The trigger to anxiety

What if I relapse?

What if this rebirth is temporary?

What if I get so exhausted again

I become bedridden

The constant

Cluster fuck of thoughts

The mishugas

Round and round

Can't stop the dreams

I wish I could fight it

Like I used to

Turn nightmares

Into battlegrounds

Instead I am privy

To miserable fear






What if it returns

With a vengeance

What will I do then?

I have cried and cried

I beg my spiritual guides

For help

I can't do this alone

Prayers help tons

But how do I get rid of this

Miserable fear

How do I stop the thoughts

That invade my psyche

At night

How do I protect myself spiritually?

There has to be a way to fight back

Please help me find it

I need to not be afraid of the future

Or the present

For the past is gone

Never to return

And logic tells me

I am on the right path

However the

Miserable fear

Has me in its grip

Every time I go to sleep

Please make it stop

I am strong

But I need guidance

I need help

I need a special kind of counselor

Pray tell

How do I let go?

How do I delete

This evil

From my mind

I will fight

But I cannot do it alone

Baruch Hashem

Angels up high

Spirit guides

Who walk with me


Exorcize this

Miserable fear

From my heart






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