Penny for your Thoughts/Thoughts for your Penny

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If I needed someone to talk to
I wonder who would be willing
And be able to do so
Without looking for a way out
Penny for your thoughts
Thoughts for your penny

Many people don't notice
Much past the ends of their
Own problems

But here's a little secret
If you stop for a second
And reach out
To a friend in need
Of a listening ear

You will find that
Your own troubles
Will be forgotten for
A little bit

And perhaps even
A tit for tat
A give and receive
Much needed advice

But if people insist on
Marinating in their
Own juices
And issues
So be it

But perhaps one day
When you'll need those
Same pennies for
A thought or two
None will be available

Don't burn bridges
Just because something is hard
Life is hard
Challenges will hit you from
All sides

Always keep those friends
Who've been there for you
Don't hide in your own
Spinning wheel
Break the cycle

I have last year
And it's done wonders for me
I know who I can rely
To pour my heart out
And whom can do the same
With me

Penny for your thoughts
Thoughts for mere pennies
Can help one from going crazy
Or even save a life or more

Think on it
Which would you rather be?

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