Always Smile

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Everywhere you go
Even if surrounded by nature
It is important
To give out
Positive vibes

Always smile
You never know
When you can
Make someone's day
Who was previously

I always smile
Whether I'm doing
Laps around my street
Smiling and waving
To neighbors that drive by

To walking in a parade
And making eye contact
With the children in the crowd
Who just want to be acknowledged
By the participants in costume

Making a child's eyes light up
And feel like they matter
Brings light to the soul
A small mitzvah of sorts

Recognition from
Someone looking cool
Or friendly
May change a child's evening
Or even their lives

So no matter
How hard it may be for me
If I feel a tightness in my chest
Not having a good day
Because my health
Isn't working right

I still
Always smile
As it heals my soul as well
And that is such
An important thing

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