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"Ya! J Hope! Come here for a second." I shout as J Hope lazily comes walking towards my room. "What..." he asks as he removes his earphones from his ears. "You were in my class right? Grade 12?" I ask as I hold up the yearbook in my hand. "Yeah. Why?" he asks as he comes and sits down next to me. "Well, the girl I am meeting nowadays, she found out that I was in her class in grade 12. All those years... I never knew she was kind of.. You know... Interacted with me in a certain way... o_o" I say as I shake my head in confusion, and all the thought coming together, making this big mess in my brain... This was too much to take in... -.- "Hmm... Okay.. What's her name? If you both can't remember it, there's still me. You know my name has got to do something with solutions right?" he asks as he sits down next to me, going through the pictures of our classmates. "Serin... Huh... I also recognize her from somewhere... Was she the one who... Was mean to you all the time, and called you names?" he asks as I shake my head. "She told me she was one of the popular-nice ones." I say as I frown in the mysterious question going through my head. "Huh... And how come none of us remember her?" he asks as I nod in agreement. Don't we remember the popular ones? Even if they might not have been that nice to you? "I know... That's the thing.." I say as I frown. There has to be something missing in between... I look closely into the picture as I notice something. The corner of her mouth, curling into a smile that wasn't so natural. Was she popular? Really? Was she one of those fairy tale like ones who were both popular and nice? Maybe she was lying... Maybe she didn't like me. Maybe she didn't want to remember me... "Hey, Namjoon! Wasn't Seya the one who was popular? Remember? She used to get all the guys down to her feet? Oh god... Don't even remind me about her. She was my best friend even... And then she left, and changed her name to Seya. So..." he says as he makes his disgusted face at me. "Oh, don't even get us started on Seya. She was just plain evil." I say as we start this whole conversation on her unpredictable transformation from an angel to a black permanently little evil monster... A demon... Blech... "Don't you remember?" I ask as I shake him. "No." he says as he gives me a look. I explain everything in anger. Not such a great memory to be proud of. It turns out, the reason why I didn't remember that person is because... I promised myself that I wouldn't ever think about her.. EVER again...

"You knew didn't you?" I ask the moment I see her in the park the next day. "What? What's wrong?" she asks with innocence in her eyes. "You knew the moment you saw me didn't you?" I ask with tears filling in my eyes. "What happened Namjoon?" she asks with fake concerns shown in her eyes. "Oh, don't even try to use me again. I won't ever fall for it. Never again. You just messed up my life. How could you not remember me? Was I that little to you?" I ask with a huge disappointment in my eyes. "I'm really confused right now, and I really m growing in curiousness. Tell me." she says. I couldn't believe it. She was doing it again. That little pathetic... ARGH! What destiny!!? I never needed that kind of human being in my life. Ever again. I jut throw her all the things I never had the guts to burn up. It belonged to her so I'm giving it back. End of story. I as never coming back to this park. Not ever to see her again. I had enough. 

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