Mysterious fan

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I get ready for the fan signing as I wear some white button down shirt, and jeans. Good to go.

"KAJAA!" I say as I get into the car, waiting for everyone to get in. 

We arrive as all of the ARMYs wait for us, excitedly. I get a bit tensed up, since getting to meet every single ARMY was one of the best things about this. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! OPPAA!!! OPPA!!" everyone screams as we enter, and sit in our chairs. One by one, they come, giving us little presents, and greetings with huge smiles plastered on their faces which was nice to see. I love people when they are smiling. Awesomeness. Then comes this girl who covers most of her face. 

"Hello beautiful lady. Do you mind uncovering your face? I'm sure that would make us smile. :)" I say to her politely, wanting to see her face. Somehow I was just curious. 

"Sorry... I don't think I can..." the girl says.

"Why not?" I ask as I see a glimpse of her tear running down her cheeks.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong? Can I help you with anything?" I ask as I try to comfort her, and make sure that I could do all my best. Anything for our ARMYs. :D

"I'm fine... I just noticed that I have made a huge mistake.. He's already gone now.. And I'm sure he hates me... Even more because I did the same thing in the past..." she says as I connect to her. 

"All the pain has carried with me as well when that kind of thing also happened to me. He just has to take the right pills, and know to let you go to enjoy life, and be happy even without him." I say as I speak beyond my experience.

"I also that that kind of experience. She left me. Just like that, and I couldn't tell her the truth. Maybe he's just missed the timing. Maybe he didn't know his feelings that well himself. Give him another chance... If that's to hard then you shouldn't be worrying." I say as I chuckle a bit on my words.

"Pills!?" she asks in surprise.

"Shh... Don't tell this to anyone.... ><" I say as I worry a bit. I sign her photo book, and add a note as the next ARMY comes to me with a big smile on her face. The way she went like that kind of left me a mystery but then I had to shake it off. It couldn't be her. She'd be at home trying to figure out who I was right... Or not..

❤ ❤ ❤

Serin's POV-

I had the courage to go to the sign meeting, and face him. Wow... I'm so... Presumptuous... God... He didn't recognize me. I'm sure. I think he got lose but then he shook it off as I went to J Hope next. 

"All the pain has carried with me as well when that kind of thing also happened to me. He just has to take the right pills, and know to let you go to enjoy life, and be happy even without him. I also that that kind of experience. She left me. Just like that, and I couldn't tell her the truth. Maybe he's just missed the timing. Maybe he didn't know his feelings that well himself. Give him another chance... If that's to hard then you shouldn't be worrying." 

He really did have a hard time.... And I just thought for myself only... I put myself in the first place of concerns... Every time... I'm so selfish... Now only do I know how  presumptuous I am... I had everything I needed. I just wanted something that I couldn't get... Greedy. Selfish... I was so unwilling to share. If I could go back, I would. Change everything, and I can see myself with him. Happy couples... 

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