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             IT WAS THE WEEK OF HALLOWEEN in horror nights and it was thrilling. The adrenaline ran through her veins. She loved seeing the monsters come out and try to terrify her. One specific came out and she knew it was her best friend Derek in the exterminator costume. Delilah knew from the previous years because he was so determined to scare her, and he hasn't succeed yet. 

                  She laughed and he slumped his shoulders. Derek was in love with her, but she didn't know. Delilah is the type of girl to just enjoy life and have everyone around her fall in love with the black haired beauty. She laughed at his failed attempt of being scary and he smiled inside the costume.  

             Delilah was blinded by the admiration of her fellow coworker and best friend, she shook her head. Delilah made a signal that meant to eat together during their break and he nodded. She held a thumbs up and waved to Derek and went back inside the store. Derek stared at her from behind and sighed knowing that it was going to be hard to tell her that he is in love with her.  But he finally decided that this was going to be the year he was gong to express his feelings to her. He just hoped she felt the same way.

             Delilah went to her spot in the store and started helping people that needed stuff from the top shelf or directions to mazes and attractions. She smiled and looked down at her watch it was 5:10 and horror nights just started and was filled with many people already. 

         She loved everything about this time of year. The movies, candy, the weather, but she was oblivion to the people that walked through the gates that were going to change her year. Derek was the first one to spot them. A group of four boys and two girls they were scared as he could tell. They hung onto each other for dear life and he could tell one was just walking through it like nothing. 

          Derek smiled he loved scaring people, that's why he was in this industry and at this place. Horror Nights was the place were he felt like he could be himself. He walked up to the group and two of the boys hid behind the girls. The girls screamed once he went in their face and they began to run. He loved the ones who ran, he loved the chase. 

         Delilah heard a group of people who were screaming bloody murder. She shook her head and smiled. People shouldn't scream like that, that only meant that the people in the masks wouldn't leave them alone. She heard screams of two girls and two guys and saw they were running away from one of the exterminators. Delilah recognized the chaser as Derek and she laughed. 

            People would think Delilah is sinister because of her love for Halloween and the thrill of being frightened. But it was heroin to Delilah. She loved it and she was addicted to the feeling of fear. People started to come into the store more than usual and spotted two boys looking frightened out of their mind. She decided to go up to them and see if everything was okay.

         Before she can say anything one of the boys turned around and locked eyes with her. She saw catastrophe in his eyes. Something she hasn't seen before and she immediately felt as if she needed to be strong and  throw herself at him. But he seemed oddly familiar. "Are you guys alright?" Delilah asked as she played with a piece of string that popped out of the side of her jeans.

        Nate knew her. He knows he does somewhere, her eyes were damaged. something wasn't right but he didn't know what. But he wanted someone to get him out of this place it was too much for a first timer like Nate.

         "Um, not really. It's our first time here and we are scared. We lost our group and we just got in." He had blonde hair, but it was dyed. You can tell. He had this aura around him the Delilah wasn't used to. 

         "You do know it's not real right?" Delilah said and stiffed a chuckle. The boys were growing to feel comfortable around this girl, but were still cautious.

        "You work here. Of course it's not scary to you. It's our first time." This one had a aura Delilah has been through. He's like Derek confident, cocky, but right now he's scared and you can tell. He had brown hair and brown-green-eyes. 

          "True. I've been to all the mazes like five times. It's fun actually. Not really scary." She laughed. The boys looked at her like she was crazy. But she didn't care, she had an idea that came into her mind.

          "Okay, I have a proposition. I spend tonight with you guys. Be with you through all of it. And be the first one in the maze and out of it. You can hold my hand too, if you get scared." She said and smiled. The two boys looked at her and looked at each other. They liked Delilah and she was willing to go with them. 

           "You don't have to be at work? I mean is it okay if you leave?" Sam asked and she nodded.

          "Yea it's fine. I just can't leave the park if you know what I mean. So how about it boys. Wanna dance with the devil?" She asked.

       "Yes. Were in." Nate said and they smiled at their new friend and tour guide. She clapped and jumped excitedly. She was going to have too much fun. 

           Delilah said she was gong to be right back so she can change into her regular clothes and meet them in the front of the store. The boys waited inside the store because they were still afraid. Once changed, Delilah retrieved her phone and bag with essentials. Delilah explained to her manager at the time, and said it was fine. 

               Delilah was liked enormously so she can basically do whatever she wants to. But she doesn't notice it and just  works. 'I'm Delilah by the way." She said once she was next to the one with blonde hair.

             "I'm Sam and that's Nate." The blonde said and pointed to the other one, which he heard his name he waved at Delilah. She looked ahead of her and saw the crowd of people shaking with fear and laughing with joy.

          "Well boys, to begin. We must begin from the beginning shall we?" She said and started to walk to the front entrance. They didn't pay attention to the three because they thought they were leaving. Delilah reached the beginning and turned around to see the boys hanging on to each other. She sighed and placed Sam on her right and Nate to her left.

              "So people won't think your a gay couple. Okay let's do this." She stated and began waking through. People were popping out and the go-go dancers were dancing to the music filled with screams and terror. One of the go-go dancers had a heart and pretend to be eating it. 

                    Delilah felt Nate grab her hand and squeeze. She leaned into his ear and said, "It's not real."  He felt relieved a bit and liked the way she was brave. How it didn't affect her and he found it attractive. 

             Delilah's night just began and was filed with thrill. Sam was excited but still frightened, were as Nate was turned on but still scared and screamed whenever someone came into his face. But Derek on the other hand stared at Delilah with passion and jealous from afar. How another boy is holding her hand and the other one stood too close. 

         And Derek knew they were going to fall in love with her just like he did in a matter of an hour or so. But all Delilah was thinking about was the exhilaration of fear and surviving the night. 

                             A U T H O R S N O T E 

                  I really liked this chap and hopefully you did too. I love this concept and this is my first priority  than the other books. But i would updated band t-shirt too. Thanks for reading! And yes Derek is played by Derek Luh. If you know who that is.



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