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THE LINE WAS LONGER THAN BEFORE. Nate and Delilah had to entertain themselves because that was probably the longest time they have waited for. The line would move from time to time, then it would stop. But it was an hour in to the waiting and they just crossed over to the other side of the line.

"Okay, favorite three movies?" Nate asked Delilah. She looked at him as if he were crazy to ask that question. Nate looked at her confused.

"What?" She socked him on his upper arm. He immediately caressed it.

"You can't ask me that. I love every movie." She said with her head held up high. Delilah was proud of her movie collection. She has see almost every movie she can get her hands on or watch in the movie theaters.

Her parents were the ones that made her watch movies. Even the ones that she didn't want to watch, she did because her parents made her. And she was glad that her parents made her. She fell in love with those movies.

"Every movie?" He asked. She nodded and smiled towards him. Then as if he didn't believe her, he started to name movies left from right.

"High School Musical?"

"Love." She replied coolly.

"21 Jump Street?"

"Can't live without." The line began to move forward and Nate keep naming movies.

"Die Hard?"

"Freaking love action movies." She said with gleam.

"Star Wars?" He asked, regretting asking her. She screamed and caught the attention of many people around the line and she screamed.

"I freaking love Star Wars!" Many people around her looked confused, but others around smiled and high fived her. She began high fiving people back, and enjoying their friendliness. Nate smiled from her kindness with people.

"Okay, okay Star Wars freak, Human Centipede?" He asked knowing he got her with one. She scrunched up her nose and shook her head.

"Okay, not that movie. That was disgustedly gross and too foreign for me." She said and physically shook.

"Okay, how about you. Three favorite movies?" Delilah asked while walking forward. Nate thought about it before answering the question.

"Starsky and Hutch, Men in Black, and The Breakfast Club." Delilah laughed and Nate smiled laughing with her, but her laugh was just contagious.

"The Breakfast Club? I would have not thought that would have been one of your favorite movies." Delilah said getting closer to the entrance of maze. Nate shrugged and walked forward with Delilah.

"I love it just because I think I'm like Bender." Nate said flexing his biceps. Delilah laughed at the sudden action.

horror nights ⚠ nate maloleyWhere stories live. Discover now