f o u r t e e n

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"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" NATE YELLED gathering everyone's attention around the three. Nate stood from the ground and stood in a fighting stance. Delilah looked shocked and snapped out of it quick running in between the two.

"Hey, stop it. We don't want to make a scene here. Steve, don't you have a family to get to." Delilah said as she looked far ahead from them and saw a women with a little girl holding her hand, feeling very guilty looking at the two.

"What I want to know who is this immature boy you're with?" He asked not backing down. Nate scoffed.

"Yea, I'm the immature one. I didn't just punch someone for no reason." Nate replied back.

"I punched you because your with my girl." Steve roared. Delilah pushed him back, but he only moved a little.

"I am not your girl anymore. That was a long time ago." Delilah said.

"C'mon Delilah you know you miss me. It's been forever since you've been with a real man." Steve said obviously throwing shade towards Nate. Nate looked at him like he was crazy.

"Excuse me? Are you talking about me? I know you're not talking about me." Nate said walking towards him, but stopped because Delilah stood in the middle and she layed a hand on his chest.

"Did I stutter? Or you just didn't clean your ears right?" Steve said as he smirked towards his direction making Nate fume.

"Hey, this is not necessary. Steve we broke up, build a bridge and get over it. Be with your family." Delilah said.

"We got divorced. We can be together again Delilah. Come on you can't say you missed me." Steve said walking towards which Delilah stepped back.

"Buddy, get it through your thick idiotic skull. She's over you and she has someone knew. Get out of here before things go wrong. For you." Nate threatened.

Knowing he wasn't getting anywhere especially when we can get kicked out Steve backed down and held his hands up and walked backwards. "I'll se you around, sweetheart."

He turned around and walked back with his family. And you can see the hurt in the little girl's eyes and the ex-wife's anger knowing who Delilah was and how she broke up her perfect family. And then they were out of site.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Nate asked as Delilah whirled around and looked guilty.

"Yea." She said.

"Did he have a family before you or after?" He asked crossing his arms in front of himself. Delilah sighed and grabbed his arm dragging him farther from the Halloween maze. And they found themselves the same place they ate the doughnuts at.

"Why did you bring me here?" Nate asked taking a seat on the table.

"To explain my ex-boyfriend and his family." Delilah said and he nodded. She sighed and sat in front of him with her fingers intertwined together.

"Okay, so I met Steve two years ago. I was at NYU and it was a stressful week because of finals ad essays and all that stuff. So I decided to go to a little coffee shop. That's were I met Steve. He was handsome someone who I've never seen before. We hit it off. He told me that he worked for a big company in New York so he had to travel a lot."

"So I knew he would be in and out of my life so I didn't think it was a big deal until he told me he had to go to California for two weeks. We were together for a year and a half. And in the first week he was gone, his wife came to the apartment we were sharing." Nate looked at Delilah as she began to share her story and could feel her bad energy.

"I had no idea he was married and had a kid. I felt like a slut. I felt used. I told her that I didn't know, but she didn't believe me. And blamed me that I destroyed their family. She told me that if I didn't break it off, she could make my life hell."

"But I couldn't do it. I was a kid that wanted a guy that loved her and took care of her. So I was with him for 5 more months acting like I didn't know he was married and with a kid. That's when all the stuff started to happen."

"Her father was the real deal. He had connections with everyone in every business. So when I started to act I was immediately turned down. And I knew it was because of that, because I was a mistress to a man that had a powerful woman. So I broke up with him."

"And I told him that I knew he had a family. And the worst part is that I stayed with him. I stayed with him when I knew he had a family already. And I dreaded it everyday so then I moved here. And it became normal again."

Delilah looked up and didn't realize she was crying until Nate swiped it off her cheek. She wiped the ones trying to escape and held back a sob. Nate felt bad for the girl. He stood and walked over to her and sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I still dread it because I tore that innocent little girl parent's away from each other." She sobbed into his shoulder. As he rubbed his back he began to speak.

"It's okay. You just have to move on."

"How can I? I destroyed a family." She said.

"You'll know when."

author's note

unedited. poor Delilah, I felt bad writing this. there's maybe two more chapter before I finish this story and maybe an epilogue. this chapter was more of her backstory.

self-promo: I posted a new story called 'Enchantress' if you like dc and young justice it's for you but it's coming soon so just go read it and maybe i'll post chap. sorry selfpromo.


i'm gonna go drown myself in my tears.

love you

horror nights ⚠ nate maloleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora