s i x t e e n

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LOVE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A MYSTERY, to Delilah. She has been in love, but it has hurt her as well. So when people say being in love is such a great time in their lives. She questions herself on love and how it's so great. But now, in this moment, standing next to this man she just met. She understands.

She understands why people make such a big deal about love, because standing next to this man, god, she is so in love. Which is why leaving would make it ten times harder and painful for her.

"Hey, I lost you in there." Nate said as he waved his hand, the one that isn't held by Delilah's hand, in  front of her face. She shook off her thoughts and looked up at Nate in pure admiration.

"Sorry, got lost in my own thoughts." She apologized and shyly and a light shade of pink covered her cheeks.

"It's alright. What's on your mind? Wanna talk about it?" Nate asked swinging their arms back and forth. Delilah shook her head.

"No, it's nothing honestly. Just about you." She replied. Nate stunned by her answer and took it as a compliment. he smiled and pointed towards himself.

"Moi?" He asked cockily. Delilah rolled her eyes.

"Yes you, you idiot." Delilah joked and made a face. Now around them, was less people. It was a matter of time before they close the park. It seemed even more dark probably because it was late now.

"And why would you be thinking of me? Is it good or bad? Or both?" He smirked and rose his eyebrow trying to make him look seductive.

"Oh shut up you big goof. I was thinking on how close, and I mean close, we gotten in a matter of hours. It seems all surreal to me, doesn't it?" She questioned him and his smile started to fade away.

"I know, but haven't you heard all those people say 'Love at first sight.' So it doesn't seem so bad. At least not to me it doesn't. Do you not want this to happen?" Nate said as he pulled his hand away from Delilah's and felt the warmth gone from their touch.

"No ,no-no, I do. I do want this, but what happens when the gates close? What if I don't hear back from you after this? I just...I don't wanna lose you." She lies smoothly. And she grabs his hand back and laces them together.

"Hey, your not gonna lose me." Nate replies within the deepness of his heart.

Delilah smiled and they continued walking. She felt bad, she really did. She didn't want to fall in love with him and she didn't want to fall in love with him. She hated lying to him, but it was the only way to show how much she cared for him, even if it means tweaking the truth a bit.

They had an hour, an hour left together, an hour  before her time is wasted and she would have to go home and he goes home. And that's the end of their dance.

"We got like, an hour left. What should we do?" Nate asked as they walked back around the middle of Simpson Land.

"I don't know, we can't really do anything in an hour you know." Delilah says lightly with a bit of a chuckle. They look around and start to see the ride starting to close down and the games and stores one by on close.

"What about your friends? Maybe we can go and look for them." Delilah offers. Nate looked at her with a smug look.

"So you can punch Madison again?" Nate jokes and Delilah snorts.

"Maybe, this time I'll try to punch her into reality." Delilah says to him. Nate smiles at her and he nods.

"I'll try to call Sammy and see if we can find them." Nate says as he steps back and digs into his pocket to retrieve his phone. Delilah nodded and spotted a guy on a hot streak on the basketball game.

"I'll be over there." She said and walked over to the crowd forming and cheering on the guy. Nate nodded and proceed to make the call. While Delilah was watching the guy now on his eight hoop someone walked behind Nate.

"Alright man, I'll see you in a bit." As Nate turned around he met with the same guy he punched just hours before. Nate raised his fists and held his ground, while Steve held up his hands and backed up.  

"Wow, wow buddy. I'm not here to fight. Just wanna chat." Steve said as he slowly put his hands down, while Nate put down his hands but keep his stance. he looked over Steve's shoulder and spotted Delilah in the crowd of bystanders still watching the game.

"We have nothing to chat about." Nate replied to him and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh yes we do. I'm guessing Delilah told you about our past before you came along." He said and looked around himself.

"Somewhat." Nate replied with a cold, hard face. Steve smiled, even chuckled a bit.

"Huh, I guess you think I'm the one that was the bad one in the relationship, right?" He asked with seriousness in his voice. Nate rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Did she tell you she slept with my bestfriend." Nate looked him straight in his eyes.

"What?" Nate said with confusion and disbelief. Steve nodded.

"That was the real reason we broke up. She was cheating on me with my bestfriend and who knows how many other guys. She didn't mind that I was married and had a kid, honestly she loved it. But when I found out he was sleeping with my bestfriend I decided to end it." He said.

"Wait a minute, hold on. If you broke up with her, then why do you want her back?" Steve sighed.

"Why are you still with her when you knew she was with a married man that had a kid and was still with him?" He asked. "Because she's one of a kind. She's addicting and you can't help but stay with her." He aid as he backed up.

"How do I know if your not lying?" Nate asked.

"Ask her, or don't. It doesn't really matter because she'll leave you either way." Steve aid a he began to walk away from Nate who seemed not himself at the moment and he called Steve again.

"Why did you tell me that?"

"So she can come crawling back to me." Steve said until he was finally out of Nate's sight. He saw Delilah start walking towards him and she smiled.

"You won't believe it, he made 17 shots. It was pretty crazy." She said excitedly, but stopped when he didn't see him smile.

"Is everything okay?" Delilah asked grabbing his hand. But he was quick to take it back from her.

"Yea, everything's fine. Let's go find the others." Nate said as his mind was filled with the words he was told just moments ago, and Delilah wondering what had happened to him while she was gone.


author's note

it' been long but i'm back and i am loving spring break. i get to stay home and literally watch all the shows i have to catch up on. i like this chap, it's descent. lol the next chapter will be the epilogue and fin. then i'm gonna post another story.

marvel fan? dc fan? talk to me, i need more friends. so....

stay healthy, and be yourself, love you guys.

horror nights ⚠ nate maloleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें