Chapter 1

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Mary -

I woke up to the sound of somebody banging on my window. I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 4:30 am. I got out of bed and slipped on my robe. When I walked over to see who was crazy enough to be disturbing me out of my sleep, it was my crazy ass off and on again boyfriend Elgin. Me and Elgin had been dating since the beginning of our freshman year high school. We practically grew up together. We went to the same preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and now high school.

"Nigga why the fuck is you banging on my damn window at 4:30 am!" I yelled. "Baby, I ain't have no where else to go my momma kicked me out," he said with tears in his eyes. "Oh my God! Baby come on," I said as I helped him get inside my window. Once he got in I locked my window and hung up his jacket.

He kicked off his shoes and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked him in his eyes and gave him a long lingering kiss. "Is my shorts still in your drawer?" He asked.

"Yeah baby, you hungry I got some pizza down stairs?" I asked watching him take off his pants. "Yeah," he replied. "Okay I'll be right back," I said as I headed down stairs to the kitchen. I shared a two bed room apartment with my mother who almost never at home. She lived at work. My mother was a hard working nurse at Brook Shield Hospital.

I went downstairs and put three slices of pizza on a plate and warmed it up in the microwave. I grabbed a cup and filled it up with ice. Then I grabbed a bag of Doritos and a Pepsi. Once the pizza was hot, I placed a napkin on top of it and headed back up stairs.

"Here you go baby," I said as I handed him his food. He was such a big ass baby, wanting me to cuddle up next to him while he ate. I grabbed my remote and turned on the TV. I turned to BET and poetic justice was on.

"Are you gone tell me what happened between you and your mom babe," I asked. "Yeah, she came in my room bitching, I yelled at her and my brother came in we got in a fight so she kicked me out. Told me to never come back," he said as he threw his plate in my garbage. "Baby, you don't be playing when it come to food do you?" I asked making him laugh.

"Nah I was hungry, that's what I got to yelling at her about. She come in talking about how I never help out , but I'm always doing shit that j don't have to do, while she be leaving her kids hungry," he said.

"I'm sorry you had to go threw that babe," I said as I gave him a back massage. I nibbled on his ear, while he let out soft slow moans. "Does that feel good baby?" I asked. "Yeah baby," he said as he gripped my thighs. He turned around and started pulling at my panties.

"Elgin, I'm not ready for that yet," I said. "Okay princess I'm sorry," he said as he gave me a kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you so much Mary," he whispered. "I love you too El," I said as I gave him a long lingering kiss.


The next morning me and El got ready for school. After talking to my mom she said that she didn't mind Elgin living with us as long as he maintained his grades and made sure the garbage was out, and did his share of work around the house. After school we planned on going over his moms house to get the rest of his stuff.

When we made it to school we saw our crew standing by our lockers. My Bestfriend Taraji, her boyfriend Tyrese, August, his girlfriend Karruche, Durrell and his girlfriend Robyn who we call Rihanna. "Hey y'all," I said as I opened my locker. "Hey bitch, we going bowling after school y'all coming?" Taraji said as she gave me a hug.

"Of course, well after Elgin's basketball practice," I said. "Baby, grab my notebook," El said as he, Aug, Ty, and Durrell walked off. "Alright," I said as I grabbed our stuff for Mr. Rice's music class.

I loved his class, only because he said that one day I would be a great singer. I believed that, because I loved music, and I loved singing. I hoped one day, the world would know who May Jane Blige is.

Mary & Elgin : True Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora