Chapter 16

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Taraji -

It had been two whole days since I seen my baby and I missed him. I needed to be cuddled up in his strong arms. I wanted to feel his soft lips giving me kisses. I got up and took my shower, along with brushing my teeth, and washing my face. I went to my closet and frowned. I didn't know what I wanted to wear, but I wanted it to be something sexy for Tyrese. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans, and a tee shirt that had my cleavage out a little bit.

Once I got dressed I did my makeup, and my hair. I called Ty and of course it went to voicemail. I went into mama's room and she was sleep. Perfect time to ask her. "Mommy can I drive your car today?" I asked as I hopped in her bed.

"What Taraji?" She mumbled. "Can I drive your car to go see Tyrese?" I whined. "Girl no, you better take the bus," she said as she rolled over. "Mommy please," I whined as I started kissing her cheek. She started laughing. "Taraji I'm gone get that belt up there and wrap it on yo ass, no," she said. "Ugh!" I yelled as I stormed to the door. "Girl Don't make me beat yo ass!" She yelled.

I slammed her door and headed down stairs. I grabbed my phone and called Tyrese again. This time he answered. "Hey baby what's up?" He asked. "I miss you I wanna see you," I whined. "Alright where you at?" He asked. "At home Tyrese where else would I be?" I asked with an attitude. "Girl you better watch that attitude for real," he said. "Boy whatever are you coming to see me or nah?" I asked. "Yeah I'm on my way," he replied. "Okay hurry up," I replied as I hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and headed down to the store. I needed some chips and a juice just as bad as I needed Tyrese.

I walked inside the store and saw my girl Kim with her cousin Common. "Hey Kimmy", I said smiling from ear to ear. "Taraji! Oh my god bitch where you been," she asked she gave me a hug. "Girl school, that's all nothing big," I replied. "I hear you girl," she replied

"TJ you remember my cousin Common right?" She asked as Common walked up. "Yes I do," I said as I stared into his sexy hazel eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Wassup?" He asked. "Hi," I replied. "Okay girl we gotta get outta here for my mama start tripping I'll see you later okay," she said. "Uh uh okay girl," I replied not once taking my eyes off of Common. He winked at me and I couldn't help but blush.

"Taraji!" Tyrese yelled as he walked in the store. "Huh?" I asked as I turned around. "I been calling and calling you man I had pulled up at the house, and your momma told me to check here," he said.

"I'm sorry baby I game in here for some chips and a juice," I replied. "Okay cool which kind you want?" He asked. "I want an Arizona and some hot chips," I whined. He bought our chips and then we drove off and headed to his place. I still could not get Common off my mind. He was so sexy, he had the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen. I snapped out of my thoughts the minute Tyrese took off his shirt and climbed in bed next to me. I needed to get my shit together because I did not want to loose his sexy chocolate ass.


Mary -

Tired of sitting around El's house doing nothing, I got off the couch and turned the tv off. I went to the bedroom, made up the bed, and went to take a much needed shower. Once I hopped out I placed my hair into a bun and wrapped my scarf around it. I threw on my under wear and a pair of jeans, along with my bra and one of El's sweatshirts, I put on my gym shoes, and grabbed my book bag.

I took the train to 35th street and walked the two blocks down North of Lake Street. I knocked on the door of the studio and Sean answered the door. "Yo Mary wassup?" He asked. "Nothing I'm tired of sitting around the house, I wrote a new song and I'm ready to record," I said.

"Okay well you know Puff Daddy always ready to make hits let me hear it," he said. I nodded for Eric the engineer to play the beat we had been working on for a couple of weeks.

I sat down in the booth in and opened my notebook as I put my headphones on. I had wrote this song during the time that Elgin had left. I never wanted him to hear it. I hadn't sung it for nobody yet.

As the beat began to play in my ear I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.
This song was a reflection of my pain, of how I felt, and how I was still feeling.

Time on my hands
Since you been away boy
I ain't got no plans
No no no no
And the sound of the rain
Against my windowpane
Is slowly, is slowly drivin' me insane, boy

I'm goin' down
I'm goin' down
Cause you ain't around baby
My whole world's upside down

Sleep don't come easy
Boy please believe me
Since you been gone
Everything's goin' wrong
Why'd you have to say goodbye
Look what you've done to me
I can't stop these tears from fallin' from my eyes
Oh baby

I'm goin' down
I'm goin' down
Cause you ain't around baby
My whole world's upside down

Oh baby love
Goin' down, goin' down
Mmm oh I'm goin' down
Oh I, I

I'm goin' down
I'm goin' down
Cause you ain't around baby
My whole world's upside down

Oh, goin' down
Goin' down
Oh, I don't know what to do
If I ever lose you
I'll be goin' down
I said I'll be goin' down
Oh, please forgive me baby
I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
What did I do wrong?
I said, what did I do wrong?
Please forgive me baby
And come on home
Goin' down, goin' down, goin' down

I let the tears fall down my eyes as the song stopped playing. I had sung that song with my heart and my soul. Everything was going down. My momma didn't answer my calls anymore. My belly was getting bigger, my hair was falling out, and El was never around to comfort me, or to hold any more. I hadn't heard from T in days, I just felt so alone. I felt like nobody cared about me anymore. I wiped my eyes, closed my notebook and stepped out of the booth.

"Mary, you are talented, let me make you a star," Sean smiled the minute I walked out of the booth. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm serious Mary, I felt your pain and your emotion and your passion in that song, I can see a bright future ahead of you," he said.

"Honestly Sean thank you, but right now I have to much on my plate to even be thinking about a record deal," I laughed.

"I hear you Mary, but promise me that you won't give up on your gift, I can see your name in bright lights right now, Mary J. Blige," he said.

"Thank you Sean really, but I have other priorities right now," I replied. "Okay, okay I hear you but think on it, because you will always have a spot here at Bad Boy Records," he said.

"Thanks Sean, I'll think about it," I laughed as I put my book bag on my back. "Alright Mary remember what I said nah I mean it," he laughed.

"I hear you," I laughed as I walked out the door. I pulled out my phone and called Elgin. Of course it went straight to voice mail. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

As I walked back to the train station, I walked past an abortion clinic. I stood outside and read the sign on the wall. I called Elgin again and he didn't answer. I looked down at my growing belly, and back at the sign on the window.

"I can see your name in big bright lights, Mary J. Blige," Sean's words lingering in my mind. I had a future ahead of me, so I took a deep breath and walked inside the clinic.

Mary & Elgin : True Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant