Chapter 4

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Taraji -

The next day at school after cheerleading practice, I walked over to Tyrese's locker. I was about to say something when I saw Kelly walk up and grab his arm, and gave him a kiss. It burned me inside to see that.

I turned my head and put my headphones in. I made my way to our drama class and sat near the back. Mary came in and sat next to me. "T what's wrong?" She asked. I was about to say something when Kelly and Ty both walked in. "Okay baby let me get to my music class," she said as she gave him a peck on the lips. "See you baby," he replied as he sat down and she walked out. I instantly put my head down. "T?"
"I'm good Mary okay, can you let me do my work please," I said as I put my headphones back in.

I was in my zone focused on my work when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out it was a text from Tyrese.

Ty ❤️ : you mad at me?

Me : No I was going to ask you the same question.

Ty ❤️ :No I'm not mad anymore, but you know I'm always here for you I love you, your my best friend and that will never end.

Me : okay, uhm can you come over my house tonight?

Ty ❤️ : Yeah sure


Tuhu araji -

After school I quickly ran home, took a shower, and threw on a thong, a big tee shirt and some shorts. Just as I tied my hair into a ponytail, the door bell rung. I walked down stairs and looked through the peep hole. It was Ty looking good as ever.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door and let him in. "Hey wassup?" He asked. "Uh nothing, I made tacos, you hungry?" I asked. "Yeah," he replied as he kicked off his shoes. I went into the kitchen and washed my hands. "How many tacos you want?" I asked. "Three," he replied as he sat down on the bar stool. I fixed his plate and then made sure he had something to drink. I fixed my food as well.

"Shit good T," he said as bit into his taco. "Boy you acting like you don't never eat," I laughed. "I don't," he laughed. "So Ty I have to ask you this are you and Kelly dating?"

"Uhm, I didn't officially ask her to be my girl, I mean we was talking for a while, and then she told me how she felt about me I didn't wanna hurt her feelings so I mean we cool," he replied.

"Oh, have you too had sex?" I asked with my head down. "Yeah we had sex one or twice," he said. "Oh," I replied "why?" He asked. "No reason just being nosey," I replied. We finished our food in silence and then we made our way upstairs. I decided on The Notebook. We were in bed cuddling when all of a sudden I started kissing him. I don't know where it came from but I wanted to kiss his sexy full lips. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I took off my shirt and he took off his. He started sucking on my neck as he took off my pants.

"Tyrese, we shouldn't be doing this," I said between catching breaths. "Baby, why not?" He asked. "Because I'm with Hill and aren't you with Kelly?" I asked. "T, come on man. Hill doesn't deserve you, I do baby. And fuck Kelly she isn't here," he said as he laid me back down and started sucking on my breasts. I started caressing his head. "But Ty, I wanna respect your relationship," I said as I pushed him back.

"Baby I'm single, I'm not in no relationship. Stop worrying about her it's just me and you baby, please let me make love to you," he said as he started nibbling on my ear. "Ty," I moaned as he took off my bra, and then my panties. He pushed opened my legs and my heart started breathing fast. I wasn't ready to do this, but I wanted to give Tyrese whatever he asked for. I wanted to give him all of me. I loved him so much and deep down in my heart I know he loved me too but we were playing games.

He reached in his pants pocket and grabbed a condom. I watched as he put it on. My legs began to shake. He rubbed my legs up and down and smirked. "Don't be scared baby, I'm bout to make you feel good baby I swear I am," he whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes and dropped my jaw the minute he thrusted inside of me. "Ty wait take it out," I whimpered as tears fell down my eyes. He pecked my lips. "Baby calm down you just gotta get used to my size relax," he said as pumped in and out. For the next five minutes all I felt was pain, and then he turned all that into pleasure. I closed my eyes and licked my lips as he slow grinded in and out of me. "Tyrese baby I love you so much," I said as I grabbed onto his biceps. "I love you too Taraji damn," he moaned as he continued to thrust in and out of me. He started sucking on my breasts as he pounded faster. "Baby oh my god," I screamed as he pounded harder. "Shit T," he moaned as he slowed down and started rubbing all over me. He gave me long lingering kisses, as an orgasm took over my body. He came and then took the condom off. He reached to get another one, and I stopped him. "You don't have to use it this time," I replied. "You sure baby?" He asked. "Yes baby," I replied. We went another round and then we took a shower together. We were laying in bed cuddling when I rolled over and stared into his beautiful hazel eyes. "I love you," he said as he kissed my cheek. "I love you too, I can't believe I just let you take my virginity," i laughed. "I'm glad you let me baby," he replied. "Ty is this going to change us?" I asked. He kissed my forehead and grabbed my waist. "Nah baby it ain't, I still love you the same way, I always will baby, you just need to get rid of that fuck nigga," he said as he sucked on my breasts. "And what about that bitch?" I asked. "Don't worry about her," he replied. "So what are we now?" "Whatever you wanna be,"

Mary & Elgin : True Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora