Moving In AU.

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Castiel and Dean had been best friends since they were in diapers. From the moment the boys were introduced they were inseparable. They played tag and hid n seek for ages until it got dark at night, they had sleepovers every weekend and went out to the movies every two weeks. 

When they were old enough to go to high school, Dean went on to be one of the popular people while Castiel remained unseen and lonely. Even though Dean was now the quarterback for their schools football team and had all the eyes from the girls, he never once forgot who his best friend was. He never once abandoned his best friend for a new set of friends. 

Their sleepovers continued and they remained as close as ever. That is until Castiel got accepted into NYU. Castiel had the choice of leaving his best friend or going to live in New York City. Either way, choosing one would hurt the other. Of course he didn't want to leave Dean. He was his best friend, and  just happened to be his crush at the same time... 

On the other hand Dean didn't want Castiel to leave. He couldn't live without his best friend and just so happen crush by his side. He was in love with Castiel Novak and he was to scared to tell him. But he also didn't want Cas to lose the opportunity to go yo NYU, something many people dream to do. 

No matter what Dean wanted, he was going to tell Castiel to go to New York. Maybe that's one of the things Castiel loves about Dean. No matter if Dean's feelings will be hurt he always puts others first. Or maybe it's that Dean's hot AF. Either way he didn't want to leave Dean and this was where they were now. Sitting at Dean's old treehouse and talking about their future. 

"Why won't you just go to NYU? This is something you've been dreaming about forever and you're just going to let it slip through your fingers and for what?" Dean screamed. 

"FOR YOU! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU!" Castiel yelled back, tears were dwelling in his eyes. 

"Why would you choose me over this Cas!? It makes no sense to me!?" Dean questioned, his words got softer as he saw how it was affecting his best friend. 

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Castiel screamed, he jumped out of the treehouse and began walking towards his house. He didn't want to hear what Dean had to say about how disgusting he was. He didn't want to hear the words. " I don't like you that way Cas." He was so caught up that he never noticed the pouring rain. He also never noticed the hand that grabbed his arm spinning him around. He did notice the lips that were pressed onto his. 

When the boys split apart, Castiel looked at Dean in the eyes. "Why did you do that?!?" Castiel asked. 

"Cause I love you too Cas. God! I always have! I never thought you would like me that way like the way I liked you!" Dean explained. 

"You kissed me in the rain." Castiel said bluntly. 

"Yeah, cause I'm romantic and shit like that." Dean said smiling, causing Castiel to laugh.

"How about we go inside and get dried up and watch a movie with some popcorn?" Dean suggested. 

"I'd like that. Can we cuddle too?" Castiel asked. 

"HELL YEAH!" Dean screamed. 

The boys soon dried up and were lying no the couch in each others arms when the idea finally popped up in Dean's head.

"Hey! Why don't I move up their with you!?!" Dean asked. 

"Dean, I can't ask you to leave Sam. I appreciate it but I don't think I'm gonna go." Castiel concluded.

"Cas, I can live without seeing Sam for a little while, you I cannot! Besides you didn't ask me! I want to!" Dean said.

"Are you sure?" Castiel asked. 

"I'm sure." Dean answered with a smile. 

"Okay!" Castiel screamed and hugged Dean tightly.

YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS! Here's a brand new book and a brand new chapter! I thought with my new living arrangements I would create a brand new book! I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as you did the others!! I LOVE YOU GUYS TO PIECES!!!

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