HeartBreak AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to the very lovely habitatfordean cause I love their brain and their ideas and everything else. So yeah here's to you!

Dean shuffled in his sleep, the events of the night before replaying in mind over and over again. He had lost Cas forever. Of course he did! That's all he's good at doing screwing everything up and losing everyone he loves.

Why did he have to sleep with that girl? It meant nothing he was just mad at Cas for their stupid fight. A fight that was about laundry! Something so stupid resulted in him losing his soulmate.

Castiel packed his stuff that night and had left before Dean came home from work the next day. When he had walked in he had noticed that all of Castiel's belongings were missing and he fell to the floor and cried. First is was his mom, then his father then Sam and now Cas. Everyone leaves him at one point.

Dean sighed and flung his legs to the side of the bed and got up and walked towards his bathroom. He turned on the light and looked in the mirror. Splashing some water on his face he looked to his left and noticed a silver blade lying there.

It's been 4 years since he last cut but the pain was to much. He grabbed the blade and gently slide it down his wrist. Blood oozing out of his arms. A cut for every person he caused to leave him. Every cut for every single mistake he had made. Every cut for every single time he thought of Castiel.

Soon, Dean dropped the blade and watched as blood dripped down his arm. He sighed and soon everything started becoming fuzzy. He looked around in panic and made his way towards his phone. He pressed the first name on his phone and waited for the person to answer.

"What the hell do you want Dean?" Castiel yelled from the other side.

"I'm sorry Cas, for everything! Everything i've done to you and now for what I did to myself. I love you Cas!" Dean said, his words almost incoherent.

Dean's world soon turned black and he passed out of the floor of his bedroom.

Castiel became scared of what could've happened.


"Dean please answer me!"

"Dean this isn't funny!"

"I'm coming over!" Castiel screamed and ran outside towards his car. He sped out of the motel parking lot and drove as fast as he could to Dean.

It was about 16 minutes until Castiel got to their shared house. He got out the car and ran towards the door unlocking it quickly.

"Dean!" Castiel screamed, tears beginning to stream down his face.

Castiel ran although the house, until he finally ran to the bedroom. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at Dean's lifeless body.

He ran towards Dean and checked for a pulse. Nothing.

He held Dean in his arms and cried for what felt like years. He pulled out his phone and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"My Husband committed suicide." Castiel cried.

"I'm going to need your address and name."

"Castiel Winchester, my husbands name is Dean Winchester." Castiel chocked out, he looked down to Dean's body in his arms and cried.

"Ambulance and police are on their way sir." The operator said but Castiel wasn't listening. He also didn't hear when the police arrived and were speaking to him. He just sat there with his Husband in his arms with a blank stare.

The day of Dean's funeral, Castiel couldn't go up to the coffin, he stood in the back until everyone was seated and listening to the preacher. He crept outside and made his way to his car, he looked at it for a little until he realized people would hear the car start.

He began to walk towards the beach that they had gotten engaged at. When he finally made it he sat down on the hot sand and looked towards the water. Remembering all the memories they had shared together.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of the two on their wedding day and smiled. He set it down in the sand and reached into the other pocket and pulled out some pills.

He carefully opened the cap and smiled. "I'll see you soon Dean." Castiel whispered as he looked down at the picture.


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