Just Friends AU.

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This suggestion was suggested by BlackAbyss2 and they asked for me to write a one shot where Dean is jealous of Castiel's and Balthazar's friendship. 

Dean watched as Balthazar wrapped his arm around Castiel's waist bringing him closer. Castiel smiled and wrapped his arms around his friends neck and gave him a tight hug. 

Though the hug lasted too long in Dean's opinion he had decided to go up to his best friend and say something. 

"You ready Cas?" Dean asked, Castiel turned around letting go of Balthazar. In which Dean got a nasty look from Balthazar in the process. 

"What's your problem Winchester? You got a problem with two guys hugging? You Homophobic or something? You have a problem with Castiel being gay don't you?!" Balthazar screamed at Dean causing the entire population of the hallway to look over at them. 

"What's my problem? You're my problem! Did you not just realize what you just did!?!" Dean screamed motioning to Castiel running to the nearby bathroom. 

Dean ran quickly to the bathroom searching for his friend.

"Cas?" Dean asked quietly 

"Go away!" Castiel shouted.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling at him." Dean said, standing in front of the bathroom stall waiting for any sign from Castiel.

"Is he right? Do you have a problem with me being gay? Is that way you always make those faces when Balthazar hugs me?" Castiel asked, opening the door slowly. 

"Of course it doesn't bother me that you're gay Cas!" Dean shouted. 

"Then why are you so against Balthazar touching me?!" Castiel yelled back. 

"Because I LOVE YOU!" Dean yelled. 

The two boys remained quiet for a little until the Castiel broke it. 

"You love me? Like a brother you mean?" Castiel asked.

"No, Like wanting to kiss you everyday, buying you flowers every once in a while. Holding your hand and taking you out on dates. Having sleepovers and just holding you in my arms." Dean whispered. 

"Why haven't you told me sooner Dean?" Castiel asked. 

"I knew you didn't like me back and I didn't want to ruin our friendship." Dean mumbled. 

Castiel smiled at Dean and slowly walked up closer to him. Dean looked up meeting Castiel's blue eyes and were met with a pair of soft lips onto his. 

"Is it ruining our friendship now?" Castiel asked, giving Dean another quick kiss. 

"I don't think so." Dean said smiling.

"Go on a date with me Winchester tonight?" Castiel questioned. 

"Absolutely angel face." Dean answered, pressing his lips once more onto Castiel's. 

"I Love You too Dean." Castiel whispered. 

YAAAAAAASSSSS!!! Update! I hope you liked it and I hope I didn't disappoint anyone!?! 

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