Death Is Hard to Deal With Period.

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This one shot will be loosely based on current events in my life at the moment. Those who may know already, when I was 10 years old my mother brought home a small kitten. She was adorable and so tiny, that night we named her Fluffy. I know a very original name Thanks! As she grew up, so did I. When it was time for me to leave my childhood home I decided to take my cat with me and we moved into our first apartment. It's been 11 months now that it's been just the two of us and after 9 years, its going to be time to say goodbye. Unfortunately, in the last month, a cancerous tumour has decided to start growing inside her mouth. The Vet's say the only options there are surgically removing the tumour by removing her jaw. Which would cause her to not be able to eat anymore which would kill her at some point in a matter of days. The next option was to let her be until she can no longer eat or move and put her to sleep. After a hard moment, we had decided to not take the surgery and let her keep living until she just hurts to much to keep going. Though it's going to be hard to let her go, I know she won't be pain afterwards and thats all that matters. But yeah, heres and update on my current situation and I hope you like this one shot. 

Castiel lied in his bed under his bed. He dreaded this day, he knew this day was coming but nothing would be able to prepare him for this. It's been only an hour since they had to put their dog Duddle to sleep.  To some people, an animal shouldn't be compared to a family member. Those people  need to suck a dick. 

Castiel laid there reminiscing on all the memories he had with Duddle. All the times Duddle would wake him up in the morning with slobbery kisses. Or all the times they would come home to find the house in shambles, toys everywhere and a  very excited Duddle running towards them. 

The door opened but Castiel didn't lift his head up to see who it was. The person lied next to him and wrapped their arms around Castiel's waist and pulled him in closer. 

"You okay baby?" Dean asked, concerned for his boyfriends silence. Dean didn't know what had happened that day. All he knew was Castiel didn't come in to school that day and his mother said he was in his room and he was crying.

"No." Castiel said, tears streaming down his face. He turned around and snuggled into his boyfriends arms. 

"What's wrong?" Dean asked, wrapping his arms tighter around his boyfriends small torso. 

"Duddle's gone." Castiel choked out. 

"Then let's go find him babe." Dean said, about to get off the bed and drag Castiel outside. 

"No Dean, he's dead now. We had to put him to sleep, he got hit by a car a couple days ago and he was in to much pain." Castiel began crying more just thinking about his little buddy. 

"Cas, come on. It's a dog, you'll get used to it baby." Dean said. Castiel sat up at gave Dean a look of hurt. 

"Dean, when your mom died did someone tell you it was just  your mom? Duddle has been a part of my life ever since my father left us. He's been there through everything, he's not just some dog I had for a couple months. It's been 13 years!! He's apart of my family and I love him!" Castiel said, before beginning to cry once more. 

"I'm sorry Cas, I didn't mean it like that. All I mean is that your going to realize that one day that he's in a much better place now. He's no longer in any pain. You gave him a perfect life Babe, you treated him better then yourself and you loved him more then yourself. He had a great life Cas. He's in a better place now, okay?" Dean whispered into his ear. 

"You know I love you right Dean?" Castiel asked. 

"Of course I do Cas, and you know I love you too right?" Dean replied. 

"I know." Castiel said, giving Dean a small smile. 

"Come on, were gonna go get some popcorn and candy and we'll watch some movies tonight. How that sound?" Deana asked. 

"Cuddle too?" Castiel asked. 

"Absolutely! Who do you take me for?" Dean replied, faking to be hurt. 

"God you're an idiot." Castiel whispered. 

"But I'm your idiot." Dean replied. 

"Thank god for that." Castiel said, pressing his lips onto Deans. They got up and made there way downstairs where they would cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day and night. 

I hope you like it my friends. When the time comes to my cat to sleep, I may not update for a little bit or prepare for some sad one shots. 

This one shot isn't dedicated to anyone but I would like to thank dadeanpie for being so supportive on my one shot books! Thank you for liking them enough to like and comment on them. And also thank you for liking my Loving The Enemy book. I haven't even looked at it since I finished it. 

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