Love Notes AU.

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This one shot is dedicated to the very lovely KJinGrey cause they the and they write the best one shots I have read in a while!!! 

Castiel sighed as he walked down the empty school hallway. Almost everyone was gone except a couple of teachers and some students doing extra credit assignments. 

It was a long day and Castiel was very content to leave and go home to his warm bed and sleep the night away. 

He reached up to open his unlocked locker and was slightly startled as a piece of paper fell out of his locker. He bent down to retrieve the piece of paper and opened it up. For the past couple of weeks someones been putting notes in his locker with compliments after compliments. 

This was always the best part of the day. 

You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I wish I could tell you in person how beautiful you are Castiel. 

Castiel smiled, and put the paper in his pocket and retrieved his belongings and made his way towards the doors. 

As he was walking he heard a locker open from behind him and turned around to see what opened. As he further investigated down the hall, he was shocked to find the result of the noise. 

Dean Winchester was standing at his locker placing a piece of paper inside. 

"Dean?" Castiel asked his long time best friend.

"CAS? What are you doing here?" Dean asked, slamming the locker door loudly. 

"I had to finish up some assignments with Charlie, so we went to the library." Castiel answered as he walked towards Dean.

"Dean?" Castiel asked once more.

"Yeah Cas?" Dean responded. 

"You're the one putting notes in my locker?" Castiel asked. Dean's cheeks flushed red and he looked down to the floor. 

"Yeah, it's me." Dean said, his stare remaining onto the tiles. "I'm sorry Cas, I just couldn't stay quiet anymore! God! Do you know how hard it is to pretend you aren't in love with your best friend!?!" Dean yelled. 

"I do." Castiel said.

"Of course you don't! Why would you wait what?"Dean asked.

"I do fully understand Dean. The Lord knows that I know how you're feeling Dean. Every time I look at you my stomach does flips. Every time we accidentally touch each other its like a million fireworks being lit inside my stomach. I stare at your lips all the time, just wondering what it would feel like to kiss you, or even hold your hand. Dean if you really mean what you're saying, I fully understand, cause I'm in love with you too." Castiel said, a smile was plastered on his face. 

"I one hundred percent mean what I'm saying Cas! All I ever wanted was you! That's all I ever wanted, was to be able to call you mine." Dean said, grabbing Castiel's hand and linking their fingers together. 

"I'm yours Dean." Castiel whispered. He leaned in a little closer and connected their lips in a small kiss. The two boys split apart and smiled at one another. 

"Will you Dean Winchester graciously allow me to take you out on a date tonight?" Castiel asked. 

"I would have to accept this offer." Dean laughed as he brought his best friend in for another kiss. 

"Good." Castiel whispered.

"Good." Dean whispered back. 


But seriously how the hell have you lovely people been while i've been away.I hope the answer is fucking spectacular!! Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story!! 

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