Homeless AU.

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This prompt was suggested by brokencasbutt67 so I hope you like it and i'm sorry for it taking long to to get it out :) 

Castiel walked into his classroom that morning thinking that the day was going to be great. He had his favourite class that morning and then he had a date later that night. 

When he got into the room he looked out the window and noticed a man walking towards the back door.  The man entered the building and Castiel decided to go see what he wanted. 

He quickly walked down the stairs and made his way towards the man that was know roaming the halls. 

"Excuse me Sir?" Castiel called out, causing the man to turn around. The man gave Castiel a smile and began walking up towards him. 

"Hi, I'm the new substitute teacher. I was looking for Mrs. Talbots classroom?" The man said. 

"You must be Mr.Winchester than?" Castiel asked.

"Mr. Winchester is my deadbeat father, you can call me Dean." The man- Dean said.

"Castiel, or Mr. Novak. Her classroom is just next to mine, follow me." Castiel said.

"So Cas, how are the kids here?" Dean asked, 

"They're quite nice, except like every other school now a days we do have some students that like to bully other students. Unfortunately for you, you have them today." Castiel said. 

"Great, sounds like fun." Dean answered. 

"Well here it is." Castiel said pointing to the classroom. "If you need anything you can come to my classroom." Castiel finished. 

"Thanks Cas, I'll see you later then?" Dean asked. 

"I usually eat in my classroom but you're welcome to come eat with me?" Castiel asked.

"Sounds great, i'll see you then." Dean smiled and walked into his classroom for the day. 

The day went by quickly and soon Lunch time had arrived and Castiel sat down at his desk and opened his lunch box and examined his food. 

The door opened slowly and Dean walked in with a smile on his face. 

"Hey Cas." Dean said.

"Hello Dean, how are you doing?" Castiel asked. 

"I'm fine, my last class was a bitch though! How does she deal with those boys!" Dean exclaimed, causing Castiel to laugh a little. 

"I have no clue, those boys are something else." Castiel agreed. 

Castiel began eating when he looked over to Dean who was just staring out the window.

"You're not eating?" Castiel asked.

"Nah, I didn't bring anything with me." Dean answered, as he chewed on his bottom lip. 

"Well they're serving pizza in the cafeteria today?" Castiel suggested. 

"Nah, i'm good, not the school cafeteria kind of guy." Dean whispered. 

"Well you need to eat so take half of my sandwich at least." Castiel said handing him the other half. 

"Thanks Cas, but i'm not hungry you keep that for yourself." Dean said, but was interrupted by his stomach growling. 

"Not hungry eh? Eat the damn sandwich Winchester." Castiel said smiling. 

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