Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Before we dive into the story, I just wanted to tell you that the first few chapters will be written from Sophie and Charlotte's (Grester's kids) perspective. I have written the early chapters from a simplistic, childlike perspective because it creates suspense and confusion, as it is difficult to tell what is really going on from such an innocent point of view. 

If you don't like this particular perspective or simplistic writing style, don't worry! The later chapters are mainly written from Grace and Chester's perspective. 

As a little bit of background information, this is a part two of my first fanfic (What If-Grester) a few years into the future. Sophie and Charlotte are Grace and Chester's daughters. Sophie is 8 in this story and Charlotte is 4.

Thanks for reading! 

Charlotte's POV

I wake up, warm and sweaty. It is very squishy, because Mom and my big sister, Sophie, and me are all in the same bed.

I know it is early, because the sky is still dark outside, but it is far too hot to be in bed. I want to get out and cool down, but I am right in the middle of the bed, so I can't get out because Mom is still asleep.

Sophie is awake, because she told me to stop squirming a minute ago, or I would make Mom upset again. It's not my fault I am squirmy. The hotel sheets are itchy on my legs.

I jump when I hear Mom's phone ring. I can see the screen light up on the table next to her. Although I can't read yet, I can recognise Daddy's name, as the caller. Mom slowly looks at her phone, but I see her face scrunch up and tears roll down her face as she throws it onto the ground. Sophie grabs my hand. I can't help but wonder if it was my squirming that made Mom break her phone. I seem to be upsetting her a lot nowadays. Sophie always has to remind me to be nice to her.

Sophie pushes me out the way and I pull a face at her, but she doesn't notice. She moves close up to Mom and tries to hug her, but hugging is difficult when you are lying down or crying. I sit up to see what is happening in the dark. Sophie has her arms wrapped around her, but Mom doesn't hug her back. Mom is shaking hard and makes weird little noises. It looks like she is laughing, but the weird feeling in my tummy makes me think that she isn't.

Suddenly, Mom gets up and goes to the bathroom. I can hear running water, so Sophie and I know we can talk without her hearing.

"I told you not to squirm! Now you've upset her." Sophie whispers.

"I can't help it." I say.

"That's okay, Charlotte." Sophie hugs me. It feels nice. Almost like Mom's hugs, but smaller.

"You should go and apologise, though. Just in case."

"Alright." I say.

I climb out of the bed and try not to trip on Mom's t-shirt. It's far too big for me, but Mom rushed me, so I didn't get to bring my own pyjamas. I cried a little when I realised I didn't have them, but she promises to buy me new, better ones. I reach up and turn the handle of the door and walk into the bathroom carefully.

Mom is standing in front of the mirror, but I'm too little to see over the sink.

"Mommy, I'm sorry for squirming." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Mom says. Her voice sounds weird and shaky.

"I said I am sorry for squirming." I say louder, in case she didn't hear me.

"Don't shout, Charlotte. The whole hotel doesn't need to hear you." She says and I start to cry.

I don't know why I am crying. It is not because of what Mom said. I am just crying.

"Shh, Charlie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." She says and she picks me up and puts me on the edge of the basin.

Now that I have started crying, I can't stop. Mom tucks my hair behind my ears and holds onto me.

"I'm done now." I say and rub my eyes with my arm. Mom laughs slightly and that makes me smile.

I look carefully at her smile. It is not the same as it used to be. The old Mom smiled all the time and she was always happy. Now she only smiles sometimes, but it is a funny smile. Not a very happy one.

"Your smile isn't very pretty anymore." I say, but I put my hand on my mouth when I remember that I mustn't make Mom upset. I sigh with relief when she laughs again.

"Thanks a lot." She says, which confuses me a little, but grown-ups are like that. They say the opposite of what they mean.

"You're not mad?" I say as she lifts me back off the basin.

"No, Charlie." She says and we walk out of the bathroom.

I can hear Sophie talking to someone. Maybe someone is there with her. I run past Mom to see who it is. I love new people, but Mom and Sophie don't really. Sophie is sitting on the edge of the bed with Mom's cellphone at her ear. She is chatting away.

"I miss you, Daddy." I hear her say.

"Daddy? Is that Daddy? Let me speak to him!" I grab for the phone.

I look at Mom. She will be happy that Daddy is on the phone. I miss him terribly. She must miss him too.

"Sophie. Put down the phone." She says. My stomach starts to feel weird again. I want to crawl and hide away. She's supposed to be happy when Daddy phones.

"But.." Sophie says, but Mom takes the phone, switches it off and chucks it on the table. Sophie looks like she is going to cry.

"Don't ever do that again." Mom's face is as red as the firetrucks I saw on the road once. I decide that it is a nice colour, but it does not look very nice on people. Only firetrucks.

Tears roll down Mom's cheeks, but she looks mad. Can you feel sad and mad at the same time? Maybe that is how I feel. A little bit sad because I didn't get to speak to Daddy, and a little bit mad because Mom threw the phone before it was my turn.

Mom turns away from us and leaves the room. I frown, because grown-ups are not supposed to go out in their pyjamas.

Sophie bites her nails, but I am not sure what to do. 

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