Chapter 18

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{A/N: I'm sorry for the extremely late update! I've been doing loads over the holidays, so it is a bit difficult for me to find the time to write, but I promise the chapters will be uploaded more regularly from now on. I hope you enjoy!}

Grace's POV

After I spend the next 2 hours cleaning up the house, taking a shower, getting dressed and setting up a bed for my mom, it's about time to head to the airport and fetch my mom.

I poke my head into Sophie's bedroom, where both girls are sprawled on the floor, writing on a big piece of white paper, with crayons and markers in their little hands, and pots of glitter and glue surrounding them.

"Right, girlies, we've gotta go pick up Nana now." I say, and they both swivel round and look at me.

"We've just finished our poster." Sophie announces. "Do you like it?"

They both hold up the paper, covered in neat drawings from Sophie, and a few interesting shapes and characters from Charlotte, covered in glitter and colours.

"It's beautiful. Come on, we'll bring the poster with us." I encourage them to exit the room so we can get to the airport on time.

Sophie folds the poster gently and carries it, as Charlotte stands up and watches her.

"Sophie's really good at making posters." Charlotte smiles proudly at her sister.

"You both are. It looks really great, and I'm sure Nana will love it." I smile at their innocence, before noticing Charlotte's outfit. "What are you wearing?"

"What do you mean?" She looks down at her choice of a white t-shirt and black pinafore dress with cat ears, which would have been cute, had she not pulled a pink tutu over the dress, combined with mismatched socks and yellow ankle wellington boots.

"Never mind." I sigh, slightly entertained. "We don't have time to change. Let's go."

The girls rush after me and I get them both into the car and they buckle themselves, as I get in the driver's seat and drive as quickly, but cautiously as I can, to the airport.

When we arrive, I open the car doors so Charlotte and Sophie can get out.

"Let's turn this into a race. We'll see how fast we can get there." I announce and grab both of their hands.

"Are we even allowed to run in the airport?" Sophie looks at me with a worried expression.

"Who cares?" I grin and pull them along with me, running at a pace that they can keep up with.

The three of us dash past strangers, still linked together, until we reach the arrivals section, where I spot my mom, pulling her big suitcase along with her.

"Nana!" Sophie yells and lets go of my hand to run and hug my mom.

Charlotte and I follow closely, running as fast as her little legs will carry her. As we approach, my mom bends down and hugs Sophie tightly, before holding her at arm's length.

"You're growing up way too fast!" My mom squeals and kisses her forehead, before turning her attention to Charlotte.

"Have I grown, Nana?" Charlotte eagerly wriggles into my mom's arms.

"You have, sweetie." My mom strokes her hair soothingly, before standing to wrap her arms around me tightly.

I attempt to resist the embrace initially, but as soon as I take in my mother's sweet, familiar scent of perfume, I hug back and bury my head in her soft hair. Tension leaks from body and I feel so much better, when our hug ends. I can't help but admit that it felt almost cathartic to be hugged like that and acknowledge that there are still people who love me and will never betray me.

"Gosh, Gracie. I love you so much." My mom touches the end of one of my locks of hair and I blush at her sudden, overwhelming love and affection.

Chester's POV

"Taryn, do you even understand the damage you've caused to my life?" I want to feel angry, but I am deflated and numb as I speak to Taryn on the phone.

"Please, Chester. I didn't mean to cause any trouble with your wife." Taryn's voice is muffled by the terrible reception in my friend's apartment. "I just need to talk to someone who I trust."

"We broke up years ago. Surely there's someone else in your life whom you can trust?" I sigh. "I don't particularly feel like talking to you, seeing as you pushed away the only people who matter to me, and haven't even had the courtesy to apologise."

"Chester," Taryn pleads.

"Fine. I'm coming over right now. You have 20 minutes of my time, no more, to speak to me, and then I will be leaving, and I expect you to leave me alone from then onwards." I give in.

"Thank you so much!" She breathes a sigh of relief before hanging up.

I reluctantly rise up off the couch and grab my keys. I look in the mirror as I ease the jingling metal off of the hook near the door. I look physically better, seeing as I actually bothered to take a shower this morning, but not to be clean really. I used it as more of a distraction, to feel as though maybe I could burn away all the guilt and pain with the hot water pouring from the shower head.

I exit through the front door and down the stairs to the parking lot of the apartment, where I climb into my car. Before I start the engine, I sit and think to myself.

Why am I even doing this? Why do I bother to help Taryn, when I don't even care about her? All I care about is Grace and my girls. 

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