Chapter 4

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Grace's POV

"Sophie! I scream and lift her up off the broken glass. She is limp, pale and her face is bloody. Pressure builds in my chest as I feel the rising panic surging through my body. I sob over my unconscious little girl.

"Grace, calm down." Mamrie speaks assertively, but her face shows her shock. "I need you to brush the glass off of her clothes and I will call an ambulance. Can you do that?" She speaks to me as if I am a little girl. It calms me slightly and I nod.

Mamrie picks up Charlotte and props her up on her hip. Charlotte sobs into Mamrie's shirt, but Mamrie manages to calm her whilst I swipe any bits of glass off of Sophie and she watches out the window for the ambulance.

"Grace, they're here. Bring her to the ambulance." She tells me and I follow her to the ambulance, holding Sophie close to my chest. Some of the blood from her forehead stains my top, but I couldn't care less.

The paramedics help Sophie onto the gurney and into the ambulance. I go in with them, but Mamrie and Charlotte stay behind.

"I'll follow right behind you in the car." She says.

The paramedics close the back of the ambulance and we start to drive. They ask me countless questions about her health and what happened. I respond, but I can only stare at my limp daughter.

When we finally arrive at the hospital, closely followed by Mamrie and Charlotte, the paramedics take Sophie and I to the ER room. My heart is racing and everything seems to loud and sudden. I have to sign some documents and provide the staff with information, but they allow us to see a doctor immediately.

"Gracie, I'm not allowed to go with you, but I'm right here, okay?" Mamrie says and I nod nervously.

Once we are in the room, a nurse walks swiftly in and looks at Sophie. Her eyes flutter open and she looks right at me. Her blue eyes are big and filled with fear. My tear stained face eases.

"It's okay, Sophie. You're okay. We're okay." I assure her and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, little fighter. Can you tell me your name?" The nurse asks, with a big comforting smile on her face.

"Sophie." Sophie says.

"And how old are you, Sophie?" The nurse asks as she shines a torch in her eyes, to check her pupils.

"Eight years old." Sophie says.

"Good girl! I need to clean and numb your forehead now, so that we can stitch up that nasty wound." The nurse says and applies anaesthetic to a cotton swab.

I wince at the thought and remember when I fell down the stairs and got stitches of my own. The scar is still there and my hands automatically go up to feel it.

"Sophie, I'll right outside. I just need to tell Aunt Mames that you're okay." I say and clutch her little hand. "You're my brave little girl." She smiles proudly.

I step out of the room and spot Charlotte sitting on Mamrie's lap and looking at something in a magazine with her. I walk over to them.

"Sophie's gained consciousness and she's getting stitches." I state calmly.

"Thank god! She's so brave." Mamrie smiles and then pauses. "Don't you think you should maybe tell Chester?" She asks.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk to him." I say and I feel my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of speaking to him again. I've already built thin walls around myself. I can't just let him break them down again.

"I know you aren't, but he has the right to know what's going on with his kids. It's been a few days now. Surely he's been calling?" She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"He calls everyday." I say and seal my lips.

"It hurts, but this is necessary. They're still his kids, regardless of what he's done." Mamrie says.

"Okay. I'll call him." I sigh and get up, with my phone in my hand.

My fingers shake as I dial the number. I gulp as it rings and I hold the phone to my ear. It barely rings when he picks up the phone.

"Gracie?" Chester says desperately. I feel my heart wince, as if it is an open wound.

"I'm at the hospital with Sophie. She ran into a sliding door and she's getting stitches." I speak as flatly as possible. I don't want to reveal my emotions.

"What? I'm coming over right now." He pauses. "I'm coming for Sophie, but not just for Sophie. I want you back."

I am on the verge of crying. I have longed to hear those words, but I've dreaded this moment at the same time. I am not emotionally prepared for this. I don't even know what I want anymore. I hang up and stay clutching my phone.

What have I gotten myself into?

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