Chapter 31

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Grace's POV

"Morning sleepy heads!" I hear Mamrie yell as she unlocks the front door and comes in. I gave her a key, since over the past 3 weeks that Chester's been in a coma, she's been visiting a lot to make sure I'm coping.

I hear her lay something down in the kitchen and march through the house, and I pull the covers over my head and groan. I've been feeling so emotionally numb that all I really do is visit Chester and sleep.

"Rise and shine, princess." Mamrie chirps as she opens my bedroom door. "We'd better get some practice for waking up early. School starts tomorrow."

She walks over and opens the blinds, letting the morning sun pour in, but I hide my face with my duvet. She swiftly yanks the covers off of me.

"Thanks for the gentle wake-up, Mames." I clear my throat and sit up to look my friend in the eye.

"You're ever so welcome." She winks playfully. "I brought some avocados to put on toast for breakfast, and then we'd better get your girlies ready for school tomorrow."

"Thank you." I rub my eyes and smile genuinely.

"No problem, Helbig." Mamrie gestures that it's no big deal.

"No, I mean thank you, really, Mamrie." I reach out and hug her, which she is initially surprised by, but she hugs back. "Thanks for making sure I have my shit together. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"It's tough to help you out, but it's even tougher watch your best friend go through something like this alone. I'll always be here for you, Smells." Mamrie's eyes twinkle with tears and she hugs me once more.

"Aunt Mames!" Charlotte shrieks, breaking our embrace, and running over to hug Mamrie.

Sophie follows right behind her and they both attack Mamrie with hugs and kisses.

"Hey, little ladies." She pulls them over onto her lap. "My ever so sophisticated up third-grader and my grown-up kindergartener. Are you excited to start at a new school, Charlotte?'

Charlotte shrugs at Mamrie's question and bows her head shyly, which is uncharacteristic of her unabashed, energetic and outgoing personality.

"Hey, hey, why aren't you excited?" I move closer and tickle her chin.

"School is fun, Charlie. All my teachers have been really nice and you get to make friends." Sophie informs her little sister. "And if you get scared, I'm only a few classrooms away."

"What if I miss Mommy?" Charlotte turns to look at me.

"Her?" Mamrie points at me and feigns a disgusted face, which causes Charlotte and Sophie to erupt with giggles. "You won't miss her! You'll be to busy doing all sorts of fun things to miss Mom. "

"Aunt Mames is right. You do lots of things in school and you won't even remember Mom." Sophie nods.

"Hey! You're hurting my feelings!" I joke, but Charlotte takes it very seriously.

The little girl wriggles out of Mamrie's arms and shuffles across the bed to where I am and climbs onto my lap, placing her tiny hands on either side of my cheek.

"I love you. I love you SO much." She says very seriously.

"I love you too, baby." I kiss her forehead and can't help but chuckle.

"Okay, shall we go eat some breakfast?" Mamrie offers.

All three of us nod eagerly.

After a hearty breakfast of avocado on toast, Mamrie assists me in helping the girls get ready for school. We sort out stationery and books and pack them into their respective bags. Whilst we do this, I can't shake the churning feeling in my stomach. I'm sure it's guilt or stress, since I haven't visited Chester yet today and I try to shake it off with distractions.

"Helbig, are you okay? You look a little green." Mamrie turns away from Sophie, whom she was helping sort out coloured pens, and faces me, her face contorted with worry.

"Yeah, I just feel a little off." I gulp in an attempt to appear normal. "It's probably just the avocado disagreeing with my stomach or something."

Mamrie shrugs it off and continues helping Sophie. Charlotte sits on my lap and arranges her new set of crayons in different orders. My stomach churns until I feel sick rising up in my throat and I leap up from the floor, with Charlotte flying off of my lap. I run to the bathroom and pull the door closed behind me and vomit into the toilet.

Mamrie follows shortly, and quietly opens the door and closes it behind her. She stands behind me and moves the hair from around my face and holds it out of the way, whilst I'm sick.

When I'm finally done, I sit up and Mamrie points me in the direction of the sink, where I wash out my mouth and she offers me a towel to dry my face with.

"God, this feels like a couple years ago when we would get black out drunk at Vidcon." She laughs. "Now we're actual adults."

"I miss those days." I giggle with her.

"So those avocados really upset your stomach, huh?" Her face softens in a caring, maternal fashion as she wipes a stray wisp of hair from my forehead.

"I have no idea where that came from. I hardly ever throw up." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Grace," Mamrie says, her face neutralising and becoming very grave.

"What is it?" I frown in confusion.

"When last did you have your period?" She asks and my heart sinks into my stomach. 

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