Chapter 6

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Grace's POV

"Grace, I want you to know that what you saw that day, was not really what happened." Chester says. His tone is desperate and sad, but I can't help but think this is a facade.

"Then what happened, Chester, because I can't possibly think of what else it could've been." I say. I can feel my eyes filling with tears, so I turn my head in attempt to appear less vulnerable.

"It may seem difficult to believe, but there if a reasonable explanation for it all. I'm not the monster you think I am. I wouldn't do that to you." He says. He is just as vulnerable as I am, and although I can't see his face, I know he's crying. Is it bad that I feel sorry for him? I shouldn't. Not after all the pain he caused.

"Grace? Please look at me." He begs and puts his hand on my thigh. 

"Don't touch me." I cringe and pull away from him. I swing the car door open and step out. "I'm sorry Chester. I just can't do this."

My heart is beating fast and my breathing is rapidly increasing. The familiar discomfort takes over my chest and everything feels like it's closing in on me.

"Gracie, wait. We need to talk." Chester jumps out of the car and takes my wrist in his strong hand. His touch is gentle, but the panic in my body associates his touch with danger and my wrist feels as though it's on fire.

"Let go." I pull away from him and walk as quickly as my long legs will carry me. My vision is blurred by tears, but I can hear Chester's rapid steps behind me.

A taxi pulls up on the side of the road and its passenger exits the backseat. Before I can even process what I am doing, I get into the taxi and recite Mamrie's address to the driver. Chester has finally caught up and looks at me with pained eyes.

"Please. I love you." His voice is muffled by the glass of the car window, but it resonates through my body.

The driver looks back at me and I nod, and he drives the car into the road. I close my eyes for a while, hoping that maybe when I open them, I'll be in a different place, living an easier life, but when I open them, I'm still in the taxi, looking back at the man who I trusted.

Mamrie's POV

Sophie, Charlotte and I are playing a game of Snap, as it is the only game that Charlotte can play, when Grace walks into the house. Her head is bent over and she stares at her feet whilst she walks. Her cheeks are flushed and I can tell she's been crying. She leans on the kitchen counter, regaining her breath as if she's run a marathon.

"Mommy, come play Snap with us!" Charlotte giggles.

"Girls, we'll be right back and then we can finish the game, okay? Don't look at my cards." I smile at them and they continue playing, without a second thought.

I wrap my arm around Grace and guide her to my bedroom, where I shut the door so we can speak in private. Grace sits down on the bed and I stand over her. Tears leak continuously from her eyes and wet her lashes, but she doesn't look up at me.

"What's up, buttercup?" I joke, to lighten the mood, and lift her chin, so she'll make eye contact. She bites her lip and doesn't answer.

"Come on, Grace. You can talk to me." I encourage her.

"I can't do this." She says quietly.

"Can't do what?" I dig deeper.

"I can't even talk to Chester about what happened. I can't look after my daughters properly. I just fuck everything up." Grace confesses, as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"Yes you can, Gracie. You're just tired and confused. I would be too. You're doing a great job with the girls, and I know you can talk to Chester. It might be difficult, but it's necessary." I hug her and she holds onto me.

"I guess you're right.." Her sentence trails.

"I think it would be a good idea if you see Chester tomorrow and let him tell you his side of the story. It's important to hear what he has to say. I know you think he's a no good liar right now, but I don't think he's the kind of guy to have done that without an explanation." I look at Grace, but she is looking away again.

"Okay." She says. "I'll try, but what about the girls?"

"I'll watch them for the day. You know I love them to pieces." I smile.

"Mamrie, you're a lifesaver." Grace grins.

"I know. Hurry up and message Chester. I wanna make sure you don't chicken out." I instruct her.

She says and pulls her phone out of her pocket. Her fingers type reluctantly, but she sends the message. A message appears on the screen of her phone almost instantly. She looks up at me with big eyes.

"What does he say?" I ask.

"He wants to meet at the house tomorrow morning." Grace bites her lip and starts to pick at the skin around her thumb.

"Hey, don't look so stressed out. You're just gonna talk about what's going on. It's for the best." I pat her shoulder.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Mames." She gives me a small smile.

"Me neither. Let's go finish the game. I'm winning." I grin.

Consequences - GresterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin