Chapter 17

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Grace's POV

We have stayed true to our word, and Mamrie, Charlotte, Sophie and I are all still on my bed, in our pyjamas.

Sophie is stretched out, helping her little sister colour in a picture in a book. Charlotte colours wildly out of the lines, on purpose, and makes people blue and the sky yellow, purely to irritate her sister, who colours neatly and realistically.

Mamrie and I are hooked on a new episode of Dance Moms, discussing which mom we think would win if they had a fist fight.

"I'm telling you, Nia's mom has great arms. She could take down any one of those moms in 2 seconds." Mamrie's gesticulation shows how enthusiastic she is.

"Yeah, but Kalani's mom has spirit. Even if she got knocked out, she'd come back and keep going until her opponent got tired." I explain my choice to her.

"I guess." She admits, as my phone buzzes.

I check my phone and I am pleasantly surprised to see that the caller is my mom. I tap my phone and answer the call.

"Hey, Mom." I greet cheerfully.

"Hi, Gracie. I'm just calling to tell you that I arrive in LA at 4pm." Her excitement is evident in her high-pitched, almost squeal-like voice. "Did Mamrie tell you?"

"Yeah, she did. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I'll pick you up at 4, then?" I ask in a genuinely kind way.

"That would be great. Love you, my little Gracie." She makes a kiss noise to punctuate the sentence.

"Love you too, mom." I smirk and put down the phone.

"You two are real cute, you know that?" Mamrie teases.

"Shut up." I groan and giggle.

"Is Nana coming to visit?" Sophie perks up.

"Yeah, she is." I smile. My mom and Sophie have always had a unique bond. Sophie is an old soul, and a lot of her personality reminds me of my mom's, in the way she looks out for Charlotte, Chester and I. They're both like the caretakers of the family.

"Let's make a poster for her!" Charlotte suggests as she stands up and jumps on the bed.

"Calm down, princess monster. You and Goose are one in the same." I acknowledge the dog at the end of the bed as I grab Charlotte's little ankles and tickle her feet.

Charlotte is also extremely fond of my mom, and my my mom of her, since Charlotte is so similar to what I was like as a little girl, both in looks and in personality. I like to think that maybe it's karma that saddled me with a daughter who is just as difficult and crazy, but inexhaustibly charismatic as I was.

"How about you get dressed first, and then you can make a poster? We've gotta be at the airport soon." I remind the girls.

"Can't we go in our pyjamas?" Charlotte whines.

"No, you silly goose. Sophie, please make sure she does as she's told." I laugh slightly as they run off to their bedrooms.

Mamrie and I exchange humoured looks.

"God. I don't know how I manage to survive with them everyday." I rake a hand through my tousled hair."

"You'd better get ready. You've only got a couple hours till your mom gets here." Mamrie advises me.

"Yes, ma'am." I salute her.

"I'd better get out of here and give you some time to prep." Mamrie rolls her eyes at me playfully and gets up from the bed. "I'm just a call away if you need me, alright Helbig?"

"Thanks, Mames." I smile and can't help but get slightly teary-eyed.

"Aw. You're not a robot after all." She pulls me into a hug, before grabbing her phone and keys and heading out the door with a wave.

Chester's POV

Words can't describe how hollow my chest feels. I've never felt like this before. It constantly feels like the immediate moment of shock and sadness after something bad happens. It's becoming increasingly difficult to stay away from Grace, but I know she needs time alone before we can even begin to talk about what's next in our future. Not our future, her future. The whole concept of 'us' is over, and it's my fault.

All I need right now is a distraction. I'd rather forget about these feelings than remember them.

As I sit and think on the couch, my phone buzzes. I've lost all enthusiasm about anybody who might contact me, because I know it will never be Grace, but I check my phone.

Taryn's name blinks in front of and I grip my phone a bit tighter. Everything went wrong the last time I spent any time with her, despite the fact that I didn't cheat on Grace, but I lack strength and self control at this point in time, and reply to Taryn's message. 

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