Chapter 13

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{A/N: I'm posting TWICE today. Not once, but TWIIICE, because I felt bad only uploading a filler chapter, without a more dramatic one to follow, so ENJOY. Also, thank you for all being so involved in the story! I really appreciate all the votes, and I love reading all your comments}

Grace's POV

"I'm so excited I can't breathe!" Charlotte squeals as she runs in circles around me, whilst we receive our tickets.

"Calm down, princess monster." I laugh. "Alright, are we all ready?"

"Yes!" Sophie beams. "I can't wait to meet the princesses!"

"Well, let's go then." I grin as I lead them into Disneyland, once we have put our tickets in the machine.

The theme park is packed with countless people visiting for the summer, and almost everyone is sporting some sort of Disney attire. The massive crowds spark a bit of anxiety, and I immediately lock hands with Charlotte and Sophie. I take a deep breath in and close my eyes.

Come on, Grace. You can do this.

"What should we do first?" I look down at the little girls on either side of me.

Sophie's eyes are lit up and her mouth is slightly open. Her one free hand is balled into a fist with excitement and determination.

"What is it?" I grin at her.

"Can we go to the shop for princess dresses?" She beams, pointing at another little girl, kitted out in a Snow White dress.

"I want one too! Please." Charlotte looks up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sure." I chuckle slightly as the two drag me off to the shop, skipping with delight.

When we enter the shop, the shop assistant nods politely in our direction, as I look around at all the excited little girls, holding several dresses in each arm, or happily carting their new purchases about in the plastic bags marked with the Mickey Mouse logo.

I can't help but giggle when Sophie picks an Elsa dress, and Charlotte choses an Anna dress, explaining that they must be Anna and Elsa, because they're sisters.

"Okay, let's go pay." I place my hand on Charlotte's shoulder, whilst she takes her Anna dress, and Sophie follows as I guide them to the crowded counter.

Once I've paid, I start to walk out, when Charlotte stops dead in her tracks.

"We can't go yet. We have to put our dresses on first." She announces, and parades back into the shop, towards the fitting room.

"Oh god." I sigh under my breath as both girls run into the fitting room. I sit down just outside the cubicle and wait for 10 minutes, until the both make their grand reveal.

Their t-shirts and shorts are still underneath the dresses, which are untidily pulled on, but they look undeniably adorable.

"Right, you beautiful little princesses, can we go have some fun?" I raise and eyebrow.

I receive a nod in response and I leave the shop accompanied by two ecstatic girls.

At the end of our day full of kiddies rides, copious amounts of candy floss and sitting on princesses' laps, the firework show and parade signify the closing of the park for the night.

Charlotte is still enthusiastically clutching my hand and waving at each character who passes her in the parade, whereas Sophie is tuckered out, and I hold her close to me to keep her awake until we leave.

"It's time to leave, little ladies." I remind them once the show is over.

"I don't wanna go." Charlotte frowns stomps her little foot.

"Hey, calm down. We're coming back for a few hours tomorrow before we go back home." I smooth her ruffled hair. "Let's get back to the hotel and get a good night's sleep, so we'll have just as much fun."

"Okay!" Charlotte brightens her expression and skips alongside me, all the way to the exit of the theme park, whilst I practically drag Sophie.

"Here, I'll carry you till we get to the hotel." I lend my arm to Sophie and pull her up onto my hip. She clings onto me like a little koala, and rests her head on my shoulder.

The first few minutes of walking are fine, but the final stretch the hotel becomes a bit strenuous, even though Sophie is very little. When we walk into the lobby, I sigh with relief slightly.

"Soph? Can you walk to the hotel room? My arm hurts." I ask.

"She's asleep." Charlotte informs me. "She gets tired very quickly."

"I've noticed." I sigh and proceed to shuffle my way through the lobby to the elevator.

Suddenly, I notice the guy from yesterday, who helped me with my door.

"We can't stop bumping into each other, huh?" He grins as clicks the elevator button, and we wait for it to arrive.

Charlotte looks up at me in confusion.

"Every time I see you, you get cockier." I chuckle, and shift Sophie on my hip.

"Can I help you there?" He points towards Sophie, whom I'm obviously struggling to carry.

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you." I pull an embarrassed face.

"I guess it isn't taking advantage of me if I'm offering. Come on, I don't bite." He holds her arms out and I thankfully transfer Sophie over to him.

"Sophie doesn't like strangers." Charlotte states.

"I'm not strange, am I?" He looks down at her and smiles.

"But I don't know your name. You must be strange if I don't know your name." Charlotte furrows her brow and I can't help but giggle.

"Well, my name is Dylan. What's your name?" Dylan grins.

"My name is Charlotte." She nods firmly, as if she's a soldier.

"What's your mom's name?" He asks.

"Grace." I say.

"Alright, Grace, Charlotte. What's your sister's name?" Dylan gestures towards Sophie.

"She's Sophie." Charlotte says.

"Great. Now I'm not a stranger, right?" Dylan says as the elevator arrives on our floor and we step out.

"You're a silly man." Charlotte giggles as we reach our room.

"Thank you, silly man, for helping me." I nudge his shoulder and we hold back our laughter at Charlotte's comment. "I'll take my daughter now."

"Very nice talking to you, Princess Charlotte." Dylan pretends to tip his hat off to her, acknowledging her Anna dress, once Sophie is in my arms.

"Night, Dylan." I take Charlotte's hand and lead her into the hotel room.

"Grace." He nods and walks off as I close the door. 

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