Chapter 14

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Grace's POV

The next day, when we arrive back at our hotel, after our last few hours at Disneyland, I begin to pack our bags for our flight.

"Can't we stay here forever?" Charlotte sits opposite me on the floor as I fold shirts and tuck them into our suitcases.

"No, sorry, my little monkey. We have to go back." I attempt to conceal my grin.

"What's gonna happen when we go back?" Sophie asks.

"Well, we'll go stay with Aunt Mames, until I sort out some stuff." I look up at her, as she stands and folds her pyjamas.

"And then we'll go back home with Daddy?" Charlotte questions hopefully.

"Charlotte," I bite my lip. "I don't think so."

"Why not?" Sophie's voice is high with anxiety.

"I didn't want to talk about this now, but I need to explain this to you. Dad and I think that it would be better for us if we aren't husband and wife anymore. I want you to know that this isn't your fault, and we still love you both very much. Even if we don't live together, you will see Daddy and I." I explain.

"But why?" Sophie has tears welling in her eyes.

"It's complicated, Soph." I hold back my tears.

A tap on the door echoes through the awkward silence looming in the room. I get up from the heap of clothes I am folding, and answer the door.

Dylan stands in front of me, with a plastic Disney carrier bag. I step outside and close the hotel door, so Charlotte and Sophie won't wander out.

"Hey, Grace." He grins goofily.

"Hey." I smile half heartedly.

"Being the chivalrous gentleman I am, I brought your little lady a gift." He offers the bag towards me.

I peek inside and spot a stuffed Olaf, exactly the same as Sophie's, but smaller.

"Thanks, Dylan. Charlotte will love it." I smile properly this time.

"I have one more gift." He states.

"You really didn't have-" My sentence is interrupted by his cool lips on my warm ones, and his hands move up to my face.

He kisses me roughly, and in the spur of the moment, I am too wrapped up to possibly resist. Once I realise what is happening, I pull away and Dylan walks off as if nothing has happened.

My heart is racing, not with excitement, but with shock. The kiss was undeniably enjoyable, but it didn't burn with the same passion as those I have had with Chester.

Still dazed, I go back into the hotel room and continue packing for our flight.

Chester's POV

"I'm back!" Grace's voice echoes through Mamrie's house as the multiple footsteps can be heard at her front door.

"God, Mames. That was one of the worst flights I've ever-" She stops mid-sentence as she enters the living room where Mamrie and I are.

Mamrie has invited me back today, so that I can finally deliver my message to Grace.

"Hey, Chester." She speaks quietly, as she catches her breath from pulling the suitcases through the house. "Hey, Mames."

"Helbig, you have some explaining to do." Mamrie raises an eyebrow at her friend and folds her arms.

"Daddy?" I hear a squeal from the other room, when Sophie and Charlotte come running in to jump on my lap.

"Are you and Mommy husband and wife again?" Charlotte lockers her tiny arms around my neck and looks into my eyes with a big smile.

I look up at Grace and suddenly feel a pang of pain in my chest. She must've told the girls, and although it was inevitable, everything feels a lot more real, knowing that they are aware of what is happening between us.

"I missed you." I beat around and the bush and avoid Charlotte's question by holding both girls close to my chest.

"We missed you too, Daddy." Sophie smiles.

"What are you doing here, Chester?" Grace speaks with confusion, but kindness.

"I came to tell you that you and the girls can have the house. I've moved all my stuff out to a friend's apartment." I smile, but I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh." Grace is silent for a moment. "Thank you."

"No problem." I nod, as the girls continue to cling onto me.

"Chester, can you take the girls out or something? I need to talk to Grace." Mamrie's expression and posture are evidence of her irritation.

"Sure, if that's okay with you, Grace?" I stand up from the couch.

"Uh, yeah, sure." She scratches her head in a confused fashion. "I'll see you soon, you little monkeys."

"Let's go. I'll take you for some ice-cream." I take the girls' little hands in mine.

The girls are too distracted and excited to even acknowledge Grace's attempts at kissing them goodbye.

"Wait!" Charlotte stops. "I need something."

The tiny 4 year old rushes off and rips her suitcase open, to pull out a fluffy Olaf toy.

"Now I'm ready." She grins and we walk to the car.

I lift Sophie into the car first, and she buckles herself into her booster seat, and then I seat Charlotte in her carseat, which I do up for her. She happily kicks her legs and clutches her toy whilst I climb into the driver's seat.

I begin to drive, when the girls start talking.

"Charlotte, isn't that my toy? Sophie questions her little sister.

"No!" Charlotte frowns. "Mine is brand new. Yours is all dirty and old."

"Well where did you get yours, then?" Sophie looks intently at the toy, examining whether it actually is hers or not.

"Dylan gave it to me." She pulls her toy away from Sophie.

"Dylan? Who's Dylan?" I momentarily stop the car and look back at Charlotte

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