Chapter 26

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Grace's POV

I stand at the front door, my chest heaving quickly as I calm down. I close my eyes for a second and try to block out everything that's just happened, but my attempts are failed.

"Mom?" A little voice pipes up from behind me.

I turn around to see Sophie, who's blue eyes are round like saucers with fright.

"What's happening?" She looks up at me, gnawing nervously on her fingernails.

"Nothing." I say quietly and turn slightly away from her, but she is persistent.

She slips her tiny hand into mine, causing me to stop and look at her.

"Do you not love Daddy anymore?" Sophie give some a small sympathetic smile.

"I love him, I'm just not so sure he loves me quite as much." I purse my lips.

"I think he does." She shrugs gently.

I ignore the comment, but she squeezes my hand in an attempt to comfort me, which is a sweet gesture, but it's wrong of me to be speaking about adult matters with my 8 year old, no matter how emotionally advanced she is.

I wish I could call my mom, but I hate being wrong and can't stand the thought of her pitying my foolishness. I mentally run through a list of people whom I could talk to, and Mamrie pops up instantly. I haven't spoken to her in ages, since we've both been so busy, and I could really use her company.

"Are you alright?" Sophie calls out softly.

"I'm fine, honey." I lie to calm her down. "I'm gonna call Aunt Mames and see if we can go visit her. Would you like that?"

"Yes!" She exclaims, forgetting any concerns she had. "I miss her."

"Me too." I smile sadly. "I'll call her."

"Okay!" Sophie beams. "I'll tell Charlotte."

I can't help but smile slightly as she runs off to her room, and I pick my phone up off of the table and unlock it, to scroll through the contacts until I reach M.

I tap Mamrie's contact and my phone dials her number.

"Helbig! It's about time you called." Mamrie jokes, answering the phone almost immediately, which causes me to sigh out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Sorry, Mames. There's just been a lot going on lately." I speak slowly.

"Grace, are you okay? You don't sound okay?" Her enthusiasm is replaced by concern, and I can practically see her eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

"I don't really think I am." I admit in a monotone voice. "Can I come over?"

"Of course!" She exclaims. "Are you bringing your girlies?"

"Is it alright?" I feel slightly embarrassed by my dependence.

"Sure. I've missed those little demons." Mamrie speaks with nostalgia.

"Thanks, Mamrie." I feel my heart ease, as if a weight has been lifted off of it.

"See you in a bit. Drive carefully, there's a shit ton of water on the road from the rain a few days ago." She reminds me in a motherly fashion that I've learnt to expect from her.

I hang up and grab my car keys and head over to Sophie's room, where I expect to find both girls.

Sophie's POV

Charlotte and I excitedly hop into the back of the car, while Mom gets in the front and we head off to Aunt Mamrie's house.

"Mommy?" Charlotte asks and waits for an answer.

"Mhm?" Mom replies from the driver's seat.

"When are we having lunch?" She asks, and I wonder too.

"I don't know, pumpkin. I'll order a pizza and have them deliver it to Aunt Mames' house. How does that sound?" Mom offers.

"What about Daddy's lunch?" Charlotte tilts her head and I look over at her in her carseat, wriggling about. "He said he was making pasta."

I poke her arm and she turns to look at me with a frown on her face. I raise my finger to my lips to signal that she should keep quiet about Daddy, because I know Mom's upset about him and I don't want her to get even more upset.

Charlotte doesn't quite understand the gesture and shrugs at me, and Mom doesn't answer, but I see her bite her lip in the rear view mirror.

"I'd much rather have pizza, wouldn't you, Charlotte?" I try to soften the conversation.

"I guess." She shrugs again and we continue to drive in silence.

We reach a massive traffic jam and Mom begins to swear.

"What the fuck is the hold up here?" She sighs and rests her hands on the steering wheel.

As we drive further, I'm just tall enough to see out the window and look at the flashing lights of an ambulance pulled over on the side of the road. There's a police car too, and as I shift up even higher to see what's going on, I see a smashed car with lots of people in hospital uniforms around it.

"What happened over there?" Charlotte asks and points at the accident.

"Somebody crashed their car." I inform her. "It must be because of all the rain."

"You're right, Sophie. Nice one." Mom praises and I blush.

Mom turns to see what's going on, since the traffic isn't moving and I see her eyes widen. She raises her hands to her mouth, which opens and she looks as though she's seen a ghost.

"Oh my god." She screams.

"What's the matter?" I frown concernedly.

"Oh my god." She repeats and points at the car, obviously not paying any attention to me or Charlotte.

I feel my stomach turn with fear at Mom's reaction. I peer up out of the window and look at the car more carefully. It looks a lot like Daddy's. 

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