Chapter 27

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Sophie's POV

"Mommy!" I yell as she quickly undoes the buckle of her seatbelt and leaps out of the car, leaving the door open with Charlotte and I, in the middle of the traffic jam. "What are you doing?"

"Sophie, what's going on?" Charlotte frowns at me and looks like she might cry.

"I-I don't know." I feel myself frown too. "Stay here, Charlotte. I'll be right back."

"Don't leave me here." She whines.

"Okay, okay. Hurry." I throw my hands up in desperation and help Charlotte unbuckle her carseat.

The two of us hop out of the car, and I make sure to close the doors behind us. I grab Charlotte's hand and we walk quickly towards where Mom is. As I walk closer, a woman in a paramedics uniform gently takes hold of arm.

"What are you doing here, honey? You shouldn't be here." She bends slightly to look at me.

"Uh, uhm, m-my mom's ove-" I stutter nervously around the stranger, but Charlotte interrupts.

"Our mommy ran over here and left us in the car." She speaks confidently, gesturing over to our car, still parked in the traffic jam.

I squeeze her tiny hand thankfully, for speaking up when she knew I couldn't

"I don't think your mom is here." The woman says, looking at us with a concerned frown. "She left you in the car?"

"I-I'm almost positive she is." I ignore the last question. "She started screaming and she ran here."

The woman is about to speak again, as she places her hand on my shoulder, but she's interrupted by a loud scream. I instantly know that it's Mom.

"Mom!" I yell, hoping she'll find Charlotte and I.

Suddenly, I see Mom, being held back by two men; once policeman and one paramedic. She's screaming, and I almost don't recognise her. Tears are streaming down her face and she's fighting to get away from them. It's almost like when Charlotte throws a tantrum, but Mom is much more serious.

"What're they doing to Mommy?" Charlotte begins to cry at the sight.

"Is that your mom?" The woman asks and we both nod in response. "Don't look, angels."

She turns both of our heads, so that we can't see what's going on anymore, resting her hands on our shoulders protectively. I turn around quickly, as I feel tears forming in my own eyes. When I look back, I spot a pale man on a gurney, with blood dripping down his forehead. As I look, something suddenly clicks. The man is Daddy.

Mamrie's POV

As I type away on my computer, awaiting Grace's arrival, my phone starts to ring. The number is private, but I answer without hesitation.

"Hello?" I chirp.

"Is this Mamrie Hart?" A woman speaks solemnly and I can hear sirens in the background.

"Uh, yes, it is." I reply hesitantly.

"Your friend, Miss Helbig's husband has been in an accident, and her children are at the scene without an adult. Unfortunately, we cannot take them with to the hospital, so Miss Helbig has referenced you as a guardian in the time that she cannot be with them," The woman states clearly. "So if you are available, please could you come and collect her girls."

I'm in a state of shock, and it takes a few seconds to process. "I-I'll be there. Where is it?"

The woman recites the exact spot alongside the road and I hurry out of my house into the car. My hands are trembling on the steering wheel, but I swallow my own anxiety when I think of Sophie and Charlotte, who are probably scared shitless.

It takes a matter of minutes to reach the roadside, since the traffic has now passed and the ambulance has left with Grace and Chester. Only Chester's battered car, surrounded by policemen is left. I park my car nearby and practically run out, towards the nearest person.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" A woman approaches me as I come closer.

"I'm Mamrie Hart. I'm here to pick up Sophie and Charlotte Helbig-See." I breathe steadily, in an attempt to calm my nerves, which are spiking up again.

"Please follow me." She motions for me to walk with her, and we make our way towards a police car.

Sophie and Charlotte are with a policeman, who is bent next to them, showing them the accessories of his cop car. Sophie's cheeks are tear stained, and she appears anxious, whereas Charlotte is distracted by the policeman.

Sophie's eye catches mine and she runs towards me as I open my arms. She dives into my arms and starts to sob.

"What's happening Aunt Mames?" Her tiny body shakes with each sob, as her words are strained.

"Sh, don't cry, peanut." I soothe her, still holding onto her.

Charlotte spots her sister and I, and comes trotting over with a perplexed look on her face. I welcome her into the hug and the three of us hold onto each other.

"What's going on?" She asks innocently, wriggling out of the hug.

I remain silent, because I'm not at all sure how to tell a 4 year old that her dad is badly injured and might not make it out alive.

"Is Daddy going to be okay?" Sophie whispers into my shoulder, her arms still tightly wrapped around me.

"I don't know, sweetie." I reply softly, and she begins to cry again. 

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