Chapter 23

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{A/N: I'm SO sorry I haven't uploading regularly like I promised. I've had a really busy week, which is not a valid reason, but things have died down now and I have more time to write. Once again, I apologise for making you wait. Thank you for being patient! Hope you enjoy :)}

Grace's POV

Early into the evening, after a seemingly pointless and lazy day that I've spent answering emails that've been neglected for the weeks that I've been extremely disconnected and emotionally distant, whilst my mom enjoyed spending time with Sophie and Charlotte.

I get from my office chair to stretch and check on my mom and the girls, who are in the living room playing a board game of some sort. As I enter the room, I spot the three of them all looking out the window at the dark sky, which recently held the setting sun, with Sophie on a step stool and Charlotte perched on my mom's hip.

"What is it?" I ask, approaching them.

"It's raining!" My mom beams excitedly and Sophie looks up at me from her stool with equal excitement

"No ways! In California, during summer?" I move closer, so I can see out the window and place my hands on Sophie's shoulders.

To my surprise, the window is covered in droplets, and heavy rain pours down outside. As I move closer, I can hear the steady patter on the ground. I can't help the frown on my face, as I marvel and the miracle of Californian rain, when a flash of lightening transfers it glow from the sky, and flashes on our faces.

"Woah!" Charlotte squeals, wriggling around in my mom's arms. "What's tha-"

Charlotte's sentence is interrupted by a loud boom of thunder, which makes me jump slightly and causes Sophie to shriek, turn around and clutch onto me.

"Calm down, it's only thunder." I steady Sophie on the chair, as she wraps her arms around me.

"It's scary." Her voice is muffled by my clothing.

"Don't worry, we're safe inside." My mom strokes the back of her head.

"I'm not afraid of thunder. I'm brave, right Nana?" Charlotte smiles cheekily at my mom, who nods, with a humoured grin and kisses her forehead.

Another flash of lighting, followed by booming thunder echoes through the room, and Sophie begins to cry, still hanging onto me.

"Okay, okay, don't cry." I hold her tight in a hug. "We've been through this before. What did we do last time that made it less scary?"

"Daddy was here." She states quietly.

"For fuck's sake." I mutter under my breath and sigh, receiving a sympathetic smile from my mom. I feel so incompetent every time I call Chester about an issue with the girls, because it's as if I can't raise my own kids.

"Do you want me to call him and tell him to come here?" I offer tiredly, as it seems like the only possible solution. Sophie looks up at me with big, hopeful eyes and nods.

"Alright. Sit tight, I'll go call him." I say, freeing myself from Sophie's grip to get my phone.

"Come sit with me, Sophie." My mom takes her hand and leads her to the couch in the meantime.

Chester's POV

In amongst hundreds of unanswered calls from Taryn, I sigh and roll my eyes when I hear my phone ring again, but when I see the caller ID, I answer immediately.

"Hey Grace." I answer hastily.

"Hey." She replies. "Do you think you could come over and help me out with Sophie? She's terrified of the thunderstorm."

I light up like a Christmas tree when I hear these words, because I can't think of anything better than being with my little girls and just seeing Grace, despite all the conflict.

"I'll be over in a minute." I nod, as if Grace can see me."

"Thanks, Chester." Grace's voice softens with honesty and gratitude, before she hangs up.

I immediately jump up and walk out the door to my car, parked in the driveway of my friend's place, which I'm temporarily renting.

The rain is pouring down faster than my windshield wipers can wash it away, despite the fact that it's supposed to be summer. As I drive, I notice the sky light up with a flash of lightning and anticipate the rumble of thunder which soon follows.

I've always loved thunderstorms, but they're not exactly ideal conditions for driving, so I make sure to drive cautiously until I arrive at the house.

The rain's steady patter increases to a curtain of coolness, and I have to run to the front door to avoid getting soaked. I almost slip as I reach the door and my hair and clothes are damp, but it could've been worse. I knock steadily on the door and wait for an answer.

Grace pokes her head around the door within no time, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Sophie just fell asleep." She pulls an awkward face. "I didn't mean to make you drive all the way here."

"That's alright. As long as Soph's okay." I grin anyway, despite the fact that my wet clothes are clinging to my body. "I'll head out then."

Lightening crashes against the pitch black sky, followed by the loudest rumble of thunder and even more rain.

"Are you sure?" Grace tilts her head. "I don't know how safe it is for you to drive in this weather. You can sit out the storm here and leave when it calms down, if you want?"

"That would be great, thanks." I sigh with relief as Grace opens the door properly and lets me in.

I follow Grace into the living room, leaving a trail of wet footprints on the floor, whilst ruffling my damp hair.

"I don't have any dry clothes that'll fit you, but I can make you some tea or coffee?" She offers with a delicate shrug of her shoulders.

"Could I have some coffee? Probably not the best idea so late at night, but I'd love some." I chuckle and scratch the back of my head awkwardly.

"Sure." She nods and I watch her tall, slim figure move into the kitchen.

It feels almost as though things are back to normal and we're a regular married couple again. I can't help but stare at her in the kitchen from the living room. Her blonde hair is short and barely brushes against her shoulders, which suits her ridiculously well. As she bends over the mug, I catch glimpses of her face and glowing complexion, noticing how the tip of her tongue sticks out, which she does when concentrates.

She swivels around, as if she can feel the intensity of my eyes studying her beauty and frowns at me, but she's obviously somewhat amused. My heart skips a beat, and I realise that I'm quite happy with our current relationship. I can tell she's still hurt, but she doesn't resent me anymore. All though I can't take the hurt away, we seem to be slipping into a less harmful relation, despite the fact that it will never be what we once had. I will forever miss her, and her unconditional love, but I can't push her to trust me again. 

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