Chapter 15

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{A/N: I put a teeny tiny section of this in Sophie's POV, like I had in the very first chapters of the fanfic. Let me know what you think of it, and whether you'd like me to add a few more bits from Charlotte or Sophie's POV. Personally, they're pretty fun to write, but I don't want to write them if nobody enjoys them. Also, thank you so much for all the engagement with my fanfic. I really appreciate the votes, and your comments make me laugh so hard that my parents get worried <3}

Grace's POV

"Grace, what the fuck is going on? You didn't tell me about the divorce." Mamrie raises her hands up in irritation.

"I-I know. I'm sorry. I hadn't come to terms with it yet. I wasn't ready to tell you." I admit bashfully.

"So you took off on holiday, failing to tell Chester where you were going, and then told your little girls about your divorce, instead of me?" She raises an eyebrow and maintains eye contact, whilst I bow my head down, to avoid her scorn.

"I had every intention of telling you, but I just needed to get away and clear my head." I reach out and touch her knee.

"This isn't a game. You need to start taking this seriously, Grace. Have you even considered what it's like to get divorced? Or the effects it'll have on your kids?" She moves away from my hand.

"Mamrie, you don't understand.." I am almost pleading for her forgiveness.

"Of course. How could I possibly understand? I've only been there for you from the very beginning of your relationship. I only helped you adopt a child and then hold your hand as you birthed one, and comforted you every time you had a disagreement with Chester, and offered my house to you for weeks at a time, but how would I ever understand?" Mamrie states sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that, Mames. Please don't be upset with me."

"I need some time to myself." She tilts to the side, to avoid my eyes.

"Okay." I say forlornly. "I'll be at the house."

I grab all of our suitcases and head out the front door.

I open the boot of the car and shove our luggage in haphazardly, before getting into the driver's seat and slamming my fists on the steering wheel. Angry, but sad tears slip down my hot cheeks.

How do I always manage to screw everything up?

Sophie's POV

"Dylan? Who's Dylan?" Daddy looks back at Charlotte.

I look at her too, awaiting an answer.

"Mommy's friend. He was in the hotel." Charlotte nods.

"Don't make up stories, Charlotte. Dylan's not real, is he?" I giggle slightly at my silly little sister.

"I'm not making it up!" She protests. "He's real. He carried you."

"Sophie, are you lying?" Daddy looks upset.

"I'm not! I swear. I don't know who Dylan is." I am completely confused and a little bit scared.

"Just tell me the truth." Daddy's getting louder.

"I really don't know." I speak softly, to make up for Daddy's raised voice.

I've never seen him like this before. He looks like he might cry, but his hands are balled into fists and his face is red.

"Charlotte wouldn't make that up. Come on Sophie. I won't be mad at you, I just want to know what's going on." He softens a little bit, but I can tell he's still angry.

"I-I don't know." I burst into tears, since I feel so stressed out. I don't make any sound, but tears dribble down my cheeks and my chin quivers.

Charlotte looks confused, and she starts to cry too, but she wails and thrashes around.

"I want Mommy." She yells through her sobs.

"For god's sake." Daddy puts his head in his hands and leans on the steering wheel.

Out from behind our car, I spot Mom's car. She drives and parks just in front of us, when she sees Charlotte and I crying. She rushes over and opens the back door of the car.

"What's going on?" Mom asks as reaches for my hand and touches Charlotte's arm.

"Why don't you tell me, Grace?" Daddy sounds mad, and that makes us cry even harder.

"What the fuck, Chester? Now is not the time to play mind-games." She looks at him in disgust.

"I wanna go home." Charlotte howls.

Mom helps us out of the car. She takes both of our hands and starts to walk away.

"It's one thing to be mad at me, but don't take it out on our kids." Mom stops at Daddy's window to shout at him one last time, before she takes us to her car.

Grace's POV

Once I'm in the driver's seat, I thrust my keys into the ignition and drive away. Charlotte and Sophie are still sniffling in the back, as I take the turn off to our house.

The road is so familiar, yet so strange at the same time. It almost feels good to be back here, but all the bad memories come flooding back and the emptiness and pressure in my stomach build up.

I park in the driveway and breathe in deeply, before looking back at both girls, with tear stained cheeks and red noses.

"Calm down. Everything's okay." I smile at them.

"He was so angry at us." Sophie says quietly.

"No, honey. He wasn't angry at you. He was angry at me, and he took it out on you, and I'm sorry that happened." I speak calm and soothingly, in attempt to lull them back to a relaxed state.

We sit in silence before I speak again. "What was he talking to you about?"

"I told him about my toy from Dylan and he started shouting." Charlotte sniffles.

"Who is Dylan? Is he real?" Sophie asks innocently.

"Yes, he is real. He helped me get you both back to the hotel room, and that's it." I pause. "Let's just forget about Dylan and forget about today."

Suddenly, it all clicks into place. Chester must be mad because he thinks I'm moving on. The truth is, I don't know if I could ever fall in love again.

Sure, it felt nice to be flirted with and kissed, like I was single and carefree again, but it wasn't what I had hoped it would be like. It wasn't what it was like with Chester.

Consequences - GresterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon