A wedding and....Them (2)

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I had only been in Phoenix Drop a few days.

Aaron, whom most people called the stranger, had told me all about Phoenix Drop.

It was nice to be with Aaron again, he was one of the only friends I had beside Robin and them, Neal, Mr. Deven, Jeffery and... him.

This morning though, I woke up and there were chairs and flowers everywhere. The docks looked amazing.

"What's going on? Some getting married?" I asked, sitting up.

"Some lady named Donna and a man named Logan. I told you about them, but I guess I missed that part." Aaron smiled, holding his huge sword. I always wondered why it was so big, but never bothered to ask.

"Thanks for letting stay with you. I am not really ready yet to move in somewhere I hardly know." I quietly said, sitting up against the cool rock.

"I understand, most of those building are wood. Knowing you, it's best you stay close to someone who knows how to handle you. I don't mean for that to be rude but, Dante can't do it." He replied. I never told Dante of me being a Phoenix, for reasons like what happened to him as a child.

"Why don't you go walk around the village? I'm sure you will be fine on your own, just remember that if you start to get hot-headed, come straight back here okay? Promise me?" He finished putting the kindling into the fire.

"I promise." I walked out of the mini cave. Up close the venue just seemed more beautiful.

Dante had come to see me everyday since I arrived, which filled me with joy to hear how he became a guard.

"Hello, ma'am, how are....wait a minute...."I snapped out of my thought when I came face to face with a familiar person.

"L-Laurence?" I stuttered.

"K?" Laurence calmly said. I stopped him before he could say anymore.

"You must not tell Garroth, Zane, or Dante about us. I... never told Dante anything, and well, you what would happen if Aphmau found out about us, Zane..." I was panicking. All those horrible thoughts I thought I had let go where coming back.

"K, Aphmau wouldn't kick us out for that. I am one of her guards. When the time is right, I will tell her. How's your magic?" He changed the topic so suddenly.

"Fine. What about yours?"
Laurence went pale.

"I was taken to the Nether and transformed into a Shadow Knight. The only power I have left is a little healing magic." Still he remained a little bit upset, but the paleness slowly went away.

"At least you were left with something. Most Phoenixes who get turned into Shadow Knights lose all their magic." Laurence nodded. We went our own separate ways. Things have changed between us.

~Time Skip to the Wedding~

Donna did look beautiful. Her dress was a full length fitted dress, and Logan wore a red tuxedo. I stayed close to the small cave, much to Aaron's comfort that I was close by.

"I really hope that they don't notice me. Laurence said he would try to make sure it didn't happen." I was pale. Garroth and Zane knew, but hopefully they had forgotten me, I really did hope.

"You won't tell Dante, will you?" I asked.

Aaron stood next to me, and it felt comforting. Weird. We watched the ceremony.

Soon only Aphmau, Garroth, and Zane were left at the venue. They seemed to be having some heated argument or something.

"Let's go over there," Aaron whispered, wanting to keep this conversation quiet.

"Not yet, I want to pick a good time." I had always been quiet about myself. Just how I was.

"Come on now, they need to remember you. You can't hide from them forever." He walked in front of me, and came a bit closer, making sure they wouldn't see me just yet. I could just feel my face warm up, but I had moved on from Aaron. Right? I loved someone else.

Just relax and think of him

But I guess Zane had already spotted me.

"And guess what Garroth, our dumb little sister didn't even bother to come over here and say hello to her brothers." I heard Zane yell that loud and clear.

What happened to you?

My head was spinning. I walked over there quietly, and stood a bit away. Aaron stopped behind me.

"You! I should have known you would come here!"Garroth exclaimed.

"Garroth! K just came to see Dante-" Aphmau tried to act calm, but I could tell she was holding back her anger.

"Garroth, Aphmau is right. All I wanted to do was see how Dante was." My voice was quiet.

"Sure. Bet Hook sent you here on some business, and that's your story. 'All I wanted to do was see Dante.'." Garroth now was closer to me, and Zane stayed back, an evil grin painted on his maturely pale skin.

"Sure. And why don't I just tell Aphmau about your special powers? Maybe then you will leave us alone!"

"Stop it. Don't tell her anything!" I raised my voice. Aaron walked in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"K, look at me. Go back to the cave, alright? Just go calm down." Aaron softly said. Again my face flushed red, but I nodded and went back to the cave.

Move on from him. Your love is else where

I walked into the cave, anger surging through my veins. I didn't ask for a fight, I only wanted to see how Dante was. I barely touched the walls with the tip of my index finger and ice spike formed at the roof of the cave.

Everyone who was at the venue ran over, and Aaron stepped in, wrapping me in a hug. I didn't know how to feel right now.

"Calm down, okay?" He soothingly said, and I didn't let go of him. I was having a hard time thinking wether to cry or continue the argument.

Aaron let go and ushered everyone away. Garroth stormed off and Aphmau went with him, trying to help him. Zane just went away some where. Aaron let go of me.

"Sorry I just... just wanted to calm you down," He went to his bed in the corner and I went to mine.

"Can we just stay as friends? I have a-"

"Boyfriend? I know. Yeah, friends is fine by me." Aaron seemed a bit disappointed.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! So much happened, and now I hope you understand K a little more! Next part coming soon! Bye:)

A Lost Sister (A Minecraft Diaries/Once Upon a Time Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now