Lady of No Land

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It was quite a big castle, I had to admit. I walked up to the gates and pushed them open. There used to be a curse or something on this place, but it faded away with time. As soon as I stepped in, my outfit changed. I used to have a all grey outfit, but this one so much more comfortable. It was a white colored look, but it glistered all the Elements. There was now a black strip in my hair, which had been there before, but the black was light the first time. I had had it since I was young, it just meant I was the first born daughter of O'Khasis. Garroth had a black birthmark on his left arm, by his wrist. It was probably gone now. Zane had the full black hair. We all had something that tied us to our birthplace, I never knew why. A long, almost translucent cape from behind my, which was burning blue fire on the edges. It didn't bother me, I was used to the feeling of fire, as the same with ice. My eyes turned from blue to a iridescent rainbow, and I walked into the castle. The all the torches that had longed burned out came to life, blue fire burning instead of the orange normal color. I walked up the staircase, and saw a balcony. As I walked there, I realized,

I am the Lady of No Land.

This was now my home, my kingdom. I would hope someday, Malachi would come here and be happy that I am taking care of his home. I only hope no one but those I told Malachi to tell would come here.

~I'm going to time skip a few months. Everyone was searching for her then one day they came upon the castle. Back to the story~

It was a normal day. I had done a lot with the castle. I loved its charm, so I only changed a few things. I had been walking down the hallway when I heard a familiar call.

"Come to the gates, we found you," Devon's call was so comforting. I ran to the door, straighten myself up, and opened the door. There stood Gordon, Robin, his men, Malachi and Garroth and the rest of his family. Their faces when I opened the door was more shocked than anything. I walked to the gate, which a used a locking spell on, and I opened. Gordon wasted no time. He picked me up and kissed me. I felt so much better now that I had him here. We separated, and he smiled.

"Nice look, love," He said, turning to the group. Malachi, against his parents wishes to wait, ran to me.

"I knew you would find me, kid." I smiled at the boy.

"Mom barely remembered knew where this was, but I did. I brought only those I told. except mom and dad insisted I tell them, don't be mad." Malachi admitted.

"I'm not mad, thank you," I went over to Garroth and Aphmau.

"Hey." I wasn't expecting them to answer after what I did that day.

"I see you got that O'khasis black color on you. Mine went away a long time ago," Garroth gave me a hug. It felt nice to have my brother back.

"I love your outfit. Did you make it?" I missed Aphmau's cheery warm voice.

"No, I walked into here and it just happened. My eyes even changed." Garroth stared at my eyes.

"Like mother's," was all he said. I could tell it was hard for him to remember mom, he was there when mom passed on.

"C-can w-we go i-in?" Levin shivered.

"Welcome to No Land," I proudly said, motioned for everyone to follow me. I open the doors and led everyone in.

"So, what do you think," my voice sounded a lot more quiet.

"Love, you did well." Gordon grabbed my hand. My check flushed red.

"So much changed here." Aphmau commented.

"Not much, to be honest. You guys are going to have to share a room with me, I haven't had the time to clean up the other rooms yet. I don't want no one getting hurt ." Everyone went up the stairs and I showed them to my room, which was bare except for a little spot in the corner, where my little bed made of some blankets.

"Not much, but you guys can pick from the blankets, but it does stay warm in here." I left everyone to get used to the place and explore, luckily i had block up most of the room that needed fixing. I walked to my balcony, and looked at the bare, white lands. I felt an arm wrap gently around my waist. Gordon stood next to me, and pulled me closer.

"I'm guessing that you aren't leaving here are you?" He quietly said.

"You are right, I love it here. Feels like home," The night was creeping in, and Gordon left to go check on everyone. Just as I was about to close the balcony doors, someone called:

"LET US IN K!" I ran to see who it was. When I stepped out, I saw Katelyn, Laurence, Aaron, and Zane.

"Alright, but be careful. I'll show you guys where to sleep." I opened the gates and they walked in. I led them inside and showed them to the room with everyone else.

"Can we talk alone K?" Zane asked.

"Fine," we walked to the front doors.

"What?" He hugged me.

"You have no idea how worried we all were!" He let go, but I wasn't buying this story.

"Oh, now your concerned about me? You weren't that day-"

"Robin had a very, very stern talk with me, and sent Zenix back to the Nether. Robin told me he knew I did care, and that's when I told him everything. I'm really, really sorry about everything that I did to you, I just want a little piece of my family not to be broken." Tears lightly spilled down his face. i returned the hug, and a bright, white colored came from Zane.

"Need a guard?" Zane smiled, for the first time I had seen.

"What about you being High Priest?" I questioned.

"I have wanted to leave O'khasis for so long, so I stepped down when I went to go officially live in Phoenix Drop a few months ago. So, what do you say?"

"Zane, I would like that," We hugged again. I had a little part of my family back. Zane let go and went upstairs, at which point Gordon, Aaron, Laurence came down.

"They wanted to talk to you, but I wanted to be here with you." Gordon said, standing a little ways behind me. Zane came down the stairs and stood behind me as well.

"I need to be here to, as her Head Guard." He stated proudly.

"First off, why is HE your Head Guard?" Laurence asked, pointing to Zane.

I never officially told him that he was, but I don't mind. I thought.

"I can't run this place on my own. If I'm going to start a village, I need someone to help me." I stated, my voice almost sounded like I had more power than I really did.

"Ok, second, why here? Why not anywhere else?"

"Why not this place? It has room to grow for a village, and it is far away enough from other villages to not be a bother," I could see Katelyn coming down the stairs.

"Why haven-"

"We should go to bed now, we can talk more tomorrow." Gordon, Zane and me went up the stairs, all the while I didn't take my eyes off Aaron, who just stood there quietly, and Katelyn and Laurence walked upstairs behind us. They were holding hands, but it didn't phase me. I kept walking to the room. Garroth and Aphmau were already sleeping, so was Robin and all his men. I noticed Volt was here, maybe Robin took him in. Zane went over to a corner and with some magic made up a few more blankets. Since my bed was no more, I went to the corner where my bed used to be and I leaned up against the wall. Gordon offered to stay up and take a night shift, but I said it wasn't needed. He did it anyway, and I didn't stop him. I guess he just wanted to make sure everyone is okay, he's always been like that.



So I posted two chapters today since I'm going to be super busy tomorrow, so I won't be able to write. I will post on Sunday though! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Iskipped ahead a few months, I didn't want to write chapters about K just working around the castle. Bye:)

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