Threats by the Water

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Quick Note: Thank you so much to @ninjamagic321 for coming up with the character Volt! Thank you so much, I'm glad Volt is now part of the story!

"Morning K," Garroth said as I exited the guard tower.

"Morning, say where were you? I thought you lived here." A smile came across his face, his blue eyes twinkling.

"What about you? Thought you'd be in that cave where the stranger can keep an eye on you," We walked down the path, enjoying a little brother-sister time.

"He... said that he wanted me to be somewhere where I can see everything. Its for the best, and Devon even made the top part of the-" A little boy of like 3 or 4 came running up to Garroth. He almost looked like Garroth.

"Papa!" The little one said. Garroth picked up the child and hugged him.

"How's Levin doing, huh?" He looked at the child with so much love. Was I missing something or did Garroth forget to tell me he got married and had kids?

"Garroth, hey! Good morning K," Aphmau smiled, and another kid followed behind her. He was a ghost, and he came right up to me.

"I'm Malachi, and that is Levin, my little brother. You must be my aunt, or soon to be aunt. Nice to meet you." Malachi was so polite. He reached his hand out, and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too kid," I smiled and got to his level. He was almost the same height as Levin, only taller.

"I bet you already know my parents. Levin loves to be around Garroth. You were so lucky you got to grow up with him." Malachi smiled.

"Umm... Garroth, I-I n-n-need t-to go," Stuttering hardly ever came over me. I ran past them, and turned into my Phoenix self and flew off. I didn't know what they were they were saying. I know Malachi didn't mean anything, because he didn't know.

When I was younger, Zane always picked and tortured me. He would always keep me away from everyone, and since I didn't yet know how my magic worked. Garroth never did see me much, only at dinners. Mother passed on a few years after Zane was born. Dad always left on trades and stuff. Some of the torture I went through was Zane always saying that Dad left because of me. One night I left, leaving a note saying where I was going. Zane and Garroth both saw the note, I wanted to make sure they did read it. Garroth seemed like he was going to cry, but Zane just threw the note into a nearby fireplace. I left afterward.

As I flew around the village, I noticed someone by the water. I thought it was Aaron, so I dove down and landed as my normal human self.

"Oh look, the rainbow of the hour." The young man said.

"Watch it!" I brought my bow out, but when I pulled an arrow back, I let go of the front part of the bow, and it turned into a large machete.

"Pretty sad Garroth and Aphmau think I'm dead, it really is. When will they learn, killing a shadow night is harder than they think." The guy looked at me.

"Who the hec-"

"My name is Zenix, flower." He began to walk toward me. When he was only steps away from me, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him against the tree behind me. I bent my blade and pinned him to the tree. It held him so he couldn't move, but it didn't cut into his skin.

"Never call me that again, I will do worse." I demanded. My body was glowing a brighter blue.

"Admit it, you think-" I wasted no time. I balled my fist up, and it hit him hard. Where I hit turned blue. I got up closer, and said,

"I warned you." I gritted through my teeth.

"Just remember, when that little bit of magic in Dante's blood goes out, you wont be able to save him. It would be nearly impossible, you would lose most of you magic trying to save him." He moved his head forward, and I backed up.

"If you so happen to as much as lay a finger on him, I wont hesitate to kill you." I waved my hand in front of the machete, making it disappear. Zenix fell to the ground, much to my pleasure. Zenix brushed himself off, and walked to me, and at this point killing him was defiantly going to happen. Zenix wasn't two feet from me, and I was read to hit him again. An sound came from behind, and Zenix fell to the ground, grasping his right shoulder. I breathed a sigh of relief, and looked behind me. It was only Robin. Robin walked over and hugged me tight, and I told him everything. Zenix wasn't wrong about Dante. When I was with Dante when we were younger, I put a protection spell on him, just in case. But when it runs out, it would be painful to heal him. I cried and Robin held me, despite the fact that my whole body was hot from my anger. It all went away, and he let go.

"Gordon wasn't far behind me, neither was Volt."

"V-Volt? Who the heck is that?"

"He is... well he came to me saying he quit guard school. He wanted to be taught how to live on his own, and other things... Kinda like you. Except, without the hot-headed temper." Two male figures came, one stood a little far off, and the other came over and picked me up. Gordon put me down, all the while Robin went to talk to the younger guy.

"Did he hurt you? Did he do anything?" I turned around to see Zenix passed out, more than likely from the pain.

"No, he tried to... kiss me, which led to me punching him the first time, and the second time Robin pinned him with an arrow." My face still had some tears streaming down, I was the most scared I had been since the arrow shot Dante. It scared me to think that soon, I couldn't save him if he got hurt again. I could lose my magic all around. Gordon wiped my tears away with his thump, and held my face in his hand.

"Dante will be fine, we just need t keep a better eye on him." Gordon grabbed my other hand and kissed it.

"I love you," He said smiling.

"I love you too," I whispered back. He leaned in and was about to kiss me, and Robin and Volt came back from their talk.

"Ready to go back?" Robin said, looking to ruin the moment. Gordon pulled away, but still held me close. Robin picked up Zenix, whom was kinda small.

"So, your K, huh?" Volt asked.

"Yeah, I am. Why the name Volt, if you don't mind," I said back.

"First of all, born with the name. Second, I have a little bit of electricity magic, which is not only rare but-"

"Deadly. I've heard of it, and I'm a little jealous you have that power." Volt smiled a small smile. I wondered if he was shy.

"To be honest, I don't like it to much. Somehow I always use it at the wrong times." Volt walked over to Robin.

"Trust me, you'll get used to it." We neared Phoenix Drop, and never more in my life did I just want to skip everything else like extra training, and just go to bed.



I hope you guys liked this chapter! As always, leave some name suggestions. There are a few more people I want to add to the story, so don't hesitate to leave some names! Bye:)

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