Tears and Revenge

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I ran as fast as I could to the gates. When I got there, I flung them open. Jeffery looked at me, smiling a big smile.

"Didn't think you would miss me," His voice was quiet.

"You have no idea, but why are you here? I thought-"

"He did. But, you know well that I won't leave until I give you this." Jeffery handed me a small, green to gold crystal.

"Take care of this. Use it wisely." He was fading.

"What magic is-"

"The power to stabilize any portal for exactly five minutes, tell Abbie I love her, and tell Katelyn the same. Tell Laurence to take care of them well, goodbye K," Jeffery disappeared. Tears were spilling rapidly down my face. He was gone. I couldn't do a thing about it. I heard someone come up behind me.

"K, what is wrong?" Laurence asked, as I stood up. I hadn't noticed I was on the ground.

"Jeffery...he...he is gone." By now, I was holding the crystal tighter, wishing some how, some way, he would come back.

"What's that in your hand?" Laurence motioned to my hand.

"Jeffery wanted me to tell you this: Take care of Katelyn and Abbie, his daughter. His crystal can stabilize any portal for five minutes." I got the words out of my mouth. I hung the crystal on my neck next to mine, which I usually hid but not this time. I t mine sit next to Jeffery's.

"It's going to be fine," He tried to calm me down.

"You don't get it, you have never lost a friend that was so near to your heart. He was one of few who took me in, and cared for me!" I didn't know where that came from.

"Your right, I don't, but you have to let go of him. I know its sounds harsh, but, you have to move on-"

"No. I will not move on. I will continue to talk about him. I will never let him go, Jeffery would never do that to me, Abbie, Katelyn, no one." I pushed past him to tell Katelyn. Just as I was about to walk through the doors to the castles, Laurence called to me.

"Does Brian come here often?"

"Never. How the heck did find here?"

"Might wanna find out!" His voice seemed panicked. That's when I saw it, Brian had a Blood Sword. Only Shadow Nights carry those, or that's what Jeffery told me. I ran to the gates and pulled out my machete.

"What do you want?" I stated, and Laurence ran back to the shelter, leaving me alone.

"Your brother must be scared..." He taunted. I walked closer to him and pushed him to the ground, and I stood above him, and pointed the tip of the blade to his throat.

"What do you want? Tell me, I'm not afraid to give you a death wish," I taunted.

"Didn't you already give me one? Go ahead, kill me. It will make you the same as your brother."

"I will never be like him. He killed to get his way. I kill to protect. And you, I wouldn't even think twice or regret killing you." Zane came up behind me, and grabbed my arms from behind and tried to get my to drop my weapon.

"K, you can't do that, you just cant kill for nothing. I should know, you don't get anywhere if you do," I tried to let him release me.

"You don't get it, he is a Shadow Night. He was your spy, he-"

"Yes, he was, but I left-" Zane fell to the ground, blood coming his head. Brian stood up, and I faced him. Volt, Laurence, and Katelyn all came out.

"K, look!" Was all I heard. I felt something hit my arm, and I toppled over.

"K!" Volt came over to me. The pain was unbearable.

"Go... get him. Make him pay," I fainted from the pain.

When I woke up, I looked at my arm. The arrow was gone, but so was Zane. I kept seeing his body fall over in my head, and I realized,

He's dead 

Volt came over to me, and his face looked tired and scared.

"Zane? Did he-" I knew the answer to this.

"Yes, Devon couldn't do anything. His magic couldn't save him. I'm so sorry, really I am. I went after Brian, and another guy who had been in the bushes. Robin told me not to go, he didn't need to people dead. Laurence has been flying and looking for the two, but nothing. Lady K, I'm so sorry about your brother." Volt got up, and quickly went somewhere. The pain in my shoulder was still there, but it wasn't has bad as the pain in my heart. My brother was killed, on my watch. It felt like it was my fault. If I would have just gotten up, and close enough to him, maybe he would have lived.

"K?" I heard my father's voice.

"Dad?" Hook walked in, his expression was more devastated.

"We just buried him, we'll take you to there later-"

"I could have saved him, but I didn't. Zane would still be here if I would have just gotten up!" I was crying now. My father held me.

"Darling, it wasn't your fault. We aren't sure who did kill him, but don't blame yourself." Robin walked in with Devon and Aaron. Devon looked at me, his face stained with tears. I couldn't see Aaron's face too well, and Robin grabbed my hand. I was sitting up against a wall, since there wasn't really a set spot to put me at.

"K, I tried. I-I really did. Something was blocking my magic, and I-I wish that I could have, I really do," Devon's tears were coming back.

"You tried, that's what counts. What kind of magic was blocking you?" Emma walked in and Hook got up and followed her. 

"That's what I was wondering. Who ever did it must have planned it well and put the spell on him without his knowledge..." Laurence walked in.

"Why weren't you there? We needed help. " My anger toward him was rising.

"Who do you think went to get the others, huh?" His voice became defense. I stood up and walked over to him, so we looked into each others eyes.

"It should not have taken you that long. And the balcony doors were open, you should have heard me." My voice was rising.

"Oh so its my fault? What about you? With your so called powers huh? You could have saved him-" My anger grew to hot. I was just about to punch him when Robin came and grabbed my arms.

"Calm down, K." I was fighting his grip.

"YOU ALWAYS FIGHT! YOU NEVER HANDLE THINGS CALMLY!" By now, Devon was holding Laurence back, and Robin was struggling to hold me back. If they let go, nothing would be left of this place.

"I DO! I TRY HARD KEEP MY ANGER COOLED! FIGHTING IS-" Aaron came in walked over to Laurence.

"Dude, cool it. You both will blow this place if you guys don't stop!" I had never heard Aaron yell like that. Devon finally let go of Laurence, and Robin let go of me.

Laurence stormed out of the room. I turned into my Phoenix form and perched myself onto the railing of the balcony. I let the snowflakes fall where they may.



I hope you guys enjoyed this part! I'm sorry I killed off Zane, but he will be back! I promise! Bye:)

Also, who cried at the beginning? 

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