Let the Truth be Told

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I woke up, in a cold sweat. It was another one of my nightmares. Being the only one at the guard tower made feel better, and a little more scared, but whatever. I got up and went down the ladder. I heard two voices come from the plaza. I ran to the bushes and tried to get a view of what was going on. That's when I saw Katelyn with some... wait a minute. That was just "some guy", that was Laurence. I hit the ground, hoping they didn't see me. The one time my hearing was actually useful and when I didn't want to listen. But how can I not? Hearing their harmless flirts was kind of cute.

"Come on Laurence, we have to train more," Katelyn calmly said.

"Alright beautiful, let's fight!" I peaked over the bushes. No way was I not just going to sit there, I wanted to see them fight.

Laurence held his sword firmly one hand, as did Katelyn. He went at her, and she dodged every swing. They were both good. I saw Katelyn twist her light blue sword around Laurence's, and his sword fell to the ground.

"Sweetheart, you have got to stop letting me beat you, I want to get better, not think every fight is easy," She said, and blushed from what I could see. I didn't know Katelyn could be so... lovey-dovey. From when I met her, she was not like this, not even around Jeffery.

"I do not let you win, always," Laurence came close to her and grabbed her hands, and now it was clear as day she was blushing. I sat there, watching it all, wanting to look away but at the same time wanting to stay.

He kissed her. She kissed back. That's when I ran back to the tower. I hope they didn't care to listen to the world at that moment. I don't know why I'm freaking out, it was just one kiss they shared.

"Aunt K?" I saw the little ghost come from the corner.

"When the heck did you get here? Your parents must be worried!" I freaked.

"They both were asleep. What's wrong?" Malachi and I sat on my bed in the corner.

"That's the thing, I don't know." I kept replaying that kiss over and over again. Why was I so freaked out now?

"I saw it too. You haven't seen him in years, and the thought of him all grown up is scary for you. You never saw him with a girl, you never saw him be in love. You're just a little protective, that's okay." Malachi smiled at me. For his age, he was one dang smart kid.

"Maybe your right. I don't know what to do now. I don't want them to find out I was watching them," He hugged me.

"I won't tell if you don't," I looked at the kid, and nodded. I walked Malachi home, and on the way there, we went through the plaza. Laurence and Katelyn were still training, and it was hard for me to walk by. We finally got back to his house.

"I won't tell," Malachi smiled.

"I won't tell," I promised.

I decided to go check on Aaron, I hadn't seen him in a while. But as I neared the cave, I heard Zane's voice and I think Zenix's.

"Aaron, if you wont tell her, one of us will. You can't hide the fact that you are a Shadow Knight forever. " Zane taunted.

"You have no idea how much that will crush her. She trusted me all these years as a close friend, please don't take-: Aaron pleaded. Tears were coming down my face.

"I would love to see that, her own best friend hiding such a dark secret from her. Better yet, why don't we tell her about Laurence?" Zenix was adding more salt to the wound.

Zane walked out at looked at me and smiled an evil smile.

"Looks like we wont have to tell her," He and Zenix walked off. Aaron came out and saw me, tears lightly coming down my face. He told me he would never lie to me, and look where that went.

"K, please don't cry," Aaron tried to wipe my tears, but I backed up.

"And you knew about Laurence too, and never bothered to tell me?!" My voice was getting louder.


"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" At this point, Dale, Laurence and Katelyn were all here. I'm pretty sure Garroth was coming too.

"LAURENCE WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? YOU HAD THE CHANCE BUT DID YOU?" By now my tears were gone, and I was glowing bright.

"K, calm down," Laurence tried to walk to me, but I cut him short. I pointed my hand at the ground, at which point ice spikes came out of the ground. Garroth came up to me, but I just pushed him away. I walked away.


"IT HAS FOR TEN YEARS!" I yelled back, turned into my Phoenix form, looked Aaron and Laurence dead in the eye. I saw Malachi, and he looked like he was going to cry. Before anyone could stop him, he ran to me.

"Don't leave, please." Malachi stood by me. I wanted to tell him where I was going, but he wouldn't understand my calls. Robin came running with Devon as his Phoenix form, Volt, and Gordon. I told Devon everything quickly, and I flew upwards over the ocean. He simply called back,

"Be safe."

I looked back to see Robin holding Gordon back. I could tell he didn't want to lose me, but I was not going to stay. This had had happened before, I was not going to et it happen again.

"Devon, tell Gordon this: A castle in Snow, where a lost child stayed before he was loved again." I called. I heard stories of where Malachi was from, so I was going there. Where he used to live was in a castle in the snow, he had been lost, looking for his parents. Aphmau had adopted him, and loved him. He was a lost boy who was loved again.

"Ok, I promise." He called back. I could go only a few more miles before I wouldn't be able to hear him anymore.

"Don't tell anyone but Malachi, Gordon, and Robin and your group. No one else, its for the best." I called, and flew over two villages, one had people, the other wolves.

"No one will know but those people," The final call came from him. Afterward, if he said something, I wouldn't hear it.

On my way to Phoenix Drop, I saw this castle, hence why I chose to go there. It was secluded from anyone and everyone, anything and everything. I wanted Malachi to know because he was the only one who I think would know what that message meant. Running away had worked in the past, and it was going to work now.



Who almost cried? I nearly did myself, I hope you guys enjoyed. And don't kill me because I had Laurence and Katelyn kiss. I think they would be cute together. Bye:)

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