Blades (5)

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Note: I don't know the names of any of Robin's men, so I am going to just pick some names:)

"Hey, uhh... do you wanna come with me on my patrol?" Dante questioned. He seemed to be a bit tensed.

I wish he hadn't seen me act out like that.

I had been sitting by the guard tower, just having some alone time as usual.

"Why not, I need to get out more. Gordon is up at the guard tower, more than likely looking over that you guys got up there." I answered, looking at the tower. The mossy walls covered up cracked stone, and it just looked so beautiful.

"Alright, I'm gonna let Garroth know, he has been doing most of the night watches so I bet he will enjoy this night or so off. I'll be right back." Dante ran off, while I stood up and brushed myself off. I walked to the plaza to wait for Dante.

The plaza seemed bare and lonely, only I stood there alone. Logan and Donna were on their honeymoon, Zane stayed in the guest house, and the boys pretty much did their normal jobs.

Aaron was helping me train at sword fighting, I was not the best to admit. Gordon came running from the guard tower with Dale, an older guard. They stopped right in front of me.

"Hey K, why you here alone?" Dale asked, out of breath.

"I'm not now that you both are here." I smiled. Gordon hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed, looking up at him. I was a few inches shorter than him, but I didn't care.

"Got any plans, love?" Gordon asked, his voice seemed tired.

"Dante is going to do a shift and asked me to come along. Might as well, after the thing with Brian." I replied.

"What thing?" Dale was having a hard time standing still.

"Umm... nothing." I gazed up at Gordon who gave me a reassuring smile.

"Ok, be careful. Call Laurence if need be." Gordon said and walked off with Dale. That was weird. Gordon hasn't mention Laurence at all since he came here. I saw Dante coming, and I quickly got out my bow. Magic can be handy when you don't want to carry a lot.

"Garroth said we have about an hour until sundown. He told me where to go, wanna just head there now?" He asked, straight faced.

I wish he hadn't seen me like that


"Ready when you are." I said, looking at the sun. It was slowly sinking.

"Alright then."

We walked through the small town to the gates. Brian wasn't there, which filled me with mixed emotions of happiness and worry. I didn't need him to sneak up on us.

I readied my bow, and Dante glared at me, probably wondering why but turned back to gazing at the ominous forest.

"So you trained you to fight?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Jeffery, Robin, Coal and the stranger."

"You knew Jeffery?"

"Yeah, I did." I remember the day Coal told me about Jeffery's death.

"Robin, as in Robin Hood? What? Wait-" Excitement painted his face, and I cut him off to explain.

"Yeah. The one in all those books. He is a really nice guy, if we ever get to it, I'll take you guys to meet him. Laurence already meet him a long time ago, and he and the stranger stay in touch still, I think." I briefly told him.

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