Mr. Deven And Neal

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"So, you are saying what?" Devon asked me.

"I had a mentor who was named Coal Deven, or Mr. Deven. I heard Emma talking about a man named Neal, and you know so Phoenixes need more than one mentor," Emma came up to us. We were just talking about our mentors, every Element Phoenix had one or more older Element Phoenix teach them how to use their magic and how to handle it.

"Neal?" She seemed a bit sadden at the name.

"Yeah, one of my mentors. I know he is here, I heard his call last night. Neal must be looking for me or Devon, I hope he is here though." Gold also came onto the balcony.

"You knew my son?" Gold's expression matched Emma's.

"Yes, and he is here. I just need to find out-" I heard his call again. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but Neal sounded close. I turned to my bird form and told him to keep calling. That's when I saw a small fire up in a small clearing in the woods. I landed.

"Found you!" I said like I was little.

"Yeah you did, kid," Neal smiled.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I sat next to him.

"I really wanted to see everyone again. Plus, we Phoenixes don't die, as you know. We just go to ashes for a while," Neal poked at the fire.

"But, I heard Emma and my father saying you went into some kind of hole." I said.

"Yes, but something pulled me out. I was invisible for a while, I hated seeing Emma cry like that. I'm glad Hook makes her happy," He stood up, as did I.

"Ready to go back?" Neal began walking in the direction I came from.

"Yes, if you are." We walked out into the open plains. Just as we were getting closer to the castle, Henry came running, hugging Neal. Emma and everyone from their dimension came out. Gordon asked to speak with me alone, and we walked inside, making sure no one was around.

"How have you been with the whole thing with Zane and...stuff?" Gordon motioned to my hand. I had not realized I hadn't worn my birthday gift.

"I'm good, but I cant stop thinking about the whole incident. And I say yes to the 'stuff'" He smiled at me, and put the gift onto my hand.
Sorry for the short chapter, I was busy and had writers block. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Bye:)

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