Him (4)

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It was the middle of the night when I heard what sounded like a rock hit the cave.

Fully opening my eyes I saw in the very dim firelight that Aaron hadn't been awoken by the sound.

Then again my hearing is almost two times better than his, which would explain why even if a pin dropped in a crowed room I would still hear it.

I stood and brushed off some dirt and carefully exited the cave. I looked around for anything suspicious, my eyes trained to see in the pure darkness.

As I was about to turn around because of a scent I just caught, I felt a hand go over my mouth and my body being dragged away.

I did put up a fight though. Kicking, swinging my arms for a hit, and even trying to turn into a Phoenix. Nothing worked. How he managed to deal with all that pain surprised me, but soon he gave up and stopped at some old house.

Finally this person let go of my mouth but quickly threw me against the wall, a blood-red sword now at my neck preventing me from escaping.

"You are a fighter, I'll give you that."

"Let me go, Brian!" I spat.

"Would you shut up? I don't want anyone to know I'm doing this." His voice was barely a whisper.

"Well you picked the wrong person to attack."

"No, I didn't, now shut up!"

"I won't until you explain what's going on." I stated clearly.

"I won't betray him like that. I won't. I WON'T!" He shouted, clearly having to decide whether to betray this person or not.

"Brian calm down!" He was really freaking me out.

"Just shut up will you?!"

Brian pulled out his sword, and I my machete.

He charged at me, aiming for my throat. I blocked it and threw him against the wall, almost knocking him out.

Brian again got onto his feet and went back at trying to kill me. I knocked him back but held my blade by his throat.

Silence. Much better than him attacking me.
"K?!" Aphmau screamed.

I looked at her. This did look like I was going to kill Brian...

"Let him go!" Dante, Laurence, and Garroth came up, and now all four of them had swords pointed at me.

Dante gazed at me, trying to keep his expression stern.

"K, I ask of you to let Brian go." Aphmau said quietly.

I let Brian go, and he ran off, leaving me alone with everyone to explain.

"Aphmau, please let me explain this whole situation." I pleaded.

"What happened?" Dante asked, putting his sword away.

"DANTE!" The three of them exclaimed.

"Brian threw a rock at the cave. I went to go see what it was and Brian covered my mouth and dragged me here. He began to talk about someone and after a few minutes charged at me. It looked like he was going to kill me." I tried to keep it simple.

"I believe you." Dante said, but as he was about to walk to me, Laurence stopped him short.

"Yeah, well I don't. For all we know, you could be just like Zane or your father."

"I agree." Aphmau and Garroth said in unison.

"Just like everyone else. You think I'm like them when I'm not."

"How can we believe you?" Garroth spat.

"I saw what happened. K is speaking the truth." A guy walked up behind me, his clothes black as night.

He grabbed my hand. My expression stayed the same, but my cheek were red as ever.

"Who are you?" Laurence snapped, his emerald-green blade still out.

"Gordon. Now, what is it you think you saw?"

"Gordon, it's okay. I would rather not get into a fight right now." I stood in front of Gordon, looking into his grey eyes.

"K, we can-"

"Gordon please drop it. I really just want to let it go."

Gordon didn't seem happy about this, but pulled me into a hug. I pulled away, whispering where I would be, him doing the same. Gordon walked into the woods where he came from.

"I suggest you stay by the cave from now on." Aphmau walked away to her house with Garroth and Laurence.

I have Dante a quick glance, but he put his head down and followed.

That's what really hurt me. I walked back to the cave, sitting outside of it.



I said I was going to go through and edit it, and I love how it came out this time then the first time. Let me know what you guys think of it! Bye:)

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