Wet Stalker

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sorry i havent been on lately but last day of finals and school so ill be able to update more.


Nami p.o.v

The rest of the day consisted of me being a third wheel. I found mikey who was also a third wheel so we decided to tag team away. I was currently wading in water on a tube as Mikey was in one snoozing. I linked my foot in the holder so he didnt drift away. I felt sorry for mikey he was alone and i was too.

I slam my head back and heard a familiar screech. "Damian i told you not to dunk me now im wet" Kayla yelled. I rolled my eyes. Damian she isn't right for you. "Hey isnt that Mikey and Nami" Charlie said. I groaned. I didnt see Charlie and Robin by them and i pretended to sleep. "Seems like there asleep"Robin said. "Come one" Damian said. I open one eye to see Damian and Charlie swimming towards me.

I smirked as an evil plan erupted in my head. I would drive Kayla away so the Damian wont get hurt in the long run. My flot began to tip and i awaited the cold water to hit my side. As soon as i was under i reach out grabbing a leg pulling him under with me. He seem suprised as he looked at me under water. I smirked and swam up.

"Nami" he said. "What" i asked. Kayla wrapped his hand around hers smileing at me. "Oh Damian what your mom says when you get hungry to head back to her for money" i said grabbing a still sleeping Charlie tube walking away.

I sat on the chair letting some sun soak on my skin. Mikey went off to find food because he was hungry. Stupid horomoned teenage werewolves. I stretch slightly and looked up. Kayla walked up to me a frown on her face.

"I dont like you" she said. "Who does" i said. "Stay away from Damian" she said. "Sorry no can do i live with him and i must say seeing him shirtless all the time can make a girl turn to goo" i said. Her faced flared and she stalked off. I relax and heard Mikey come back. He handed me a sundae and sat on the chair beside me. "What she want" he asked. "Me to stay away from her guy" i said. "Does she even know you cant" he mummered.

"Mikey why out of all people why did he choose her" i asked. "I dont know i was suprised he said yes. He knows of her ways yet he still said yes" he said. He sat up and yawned. "Im gonna head back to the water you coming" he asked. "You go ahead ill catch up" i said. He ran off and i got up throeing my stuff away.

I turn arpund and ran smack into someone. "Nami you okay" a hand gripped my shoulder. I looked up at Damian and did a face palm. Out of all people i ran into him. "Yea" i said looking away. "Hey whats wrong" he asked. "Nothing" i said. "Yes your ignoreing me thats not normal" he said. "Ask your girlfriend since she the one telling me to stay away from you" i said. He looked shocked and i pushed him away. I was pissed again and stalked off to find Mikey or Robin.

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