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sorry for the wait!!!!!!

im out for christmas break and i'll be able to upload more frenquency


Damian p.o.v

Nami never returned that night. I was furious yet worried. I know rejecting her would break her soul, and she was making sure I knew that.

I decided to tell Kayla the truth, and she wasn't surprised. Apperently she was from a family of witches that has been hiding in secret.

Robin has been freaking out demanding we put together a search party. For a pregnant women she sure is scary. My mom had already gone out with Mikey and Charlie.

"Anthony, Fredrick, and I will search to. Robin your in charge till I get back" I said running out. I have this feeling in my gut that something bad was about to happen if we didn't find her soon.


We looked over the lands not getting a single trace of her. We met up with my mom and her group a while ago. We were deciding to pass the borders, but the other pack wouldn't grant us to pass.

The others decided to call it a night and headed back. I kept looking with a painge of guilt. If I never acted like a jerk and a dumbass Nami wouldn't be missing. My wolf growled at me agreeing with that thought.

I don't know why I rejected her at the battles. I don't know if its fear that I would hurt her in the aftermath or afraid that she would be targeted a lot.

I know once I find her she would want nothing from me. I really have screwed up haven't I Nami.

I sighed and kept moving towards nuteral areas. Walking amoung he trees I notice something off. There was a smell of a chemical and traces of hunters with drag marks of a body.

There was no scent on the drag marks. That's when I saw a piece of white fur stuck in a bush. Walking over I bent down and sniffed it. My eyes widen in fear as Namk scent was on it. Her scent was mixed with chemicals and hunters.

Panick suge through me as I tried to figure out what to do. Thunder cracked the skies and made my decision for me. Sending a mind link to the whole pack I went off following Nami scent. Just hold on Nami I'll save you.

Nami p.o.v

Dim lights flickered caudeing weird shapes on my half way open eye lids. My body felt so heavy to where I couldn't get up or shift back into human form. My senses were all wacked up and my vision blurry.

I forced my head to turn which was a bad mistake. My stomach lurched as my head began to pound. I let out a sof whine and closed my eyes.

The sound of a large bang made me open them. A dark fuzzy person came in. I couldn't see his face or what he wore. Only his smell hit me. It was lace with a strong chemical and that of wood and metal.

He bent down and waved his hands over my face. "She starting to get responsive. I still say you put to much wolfsbane in her" he said witha thick


My head spun at the sound of wolfsbane. Wolfsbane was a chemical deadly to shifters. Our immune systems shut down once exposed and our body becomes weak. We can't move nor see.

It takes about a good day or so to flush it out of a system. A prick hit my shoulder and I whimpered. "

It's okay. Just a relaxer to help flush that wolfsbane out" the guy said.

"What they have plan your going to need all the strenght you can muster from now" he muttered. He left as my eye sight began to clear up. My body was still heavy, but at least I could see. I was inside a cage that had a weird jello type substance on the bar. Outside there was one door and one window. The window has thick silver bars.

This may be a little hard to escape from. My paw twitch allowing me some movement. I began to wiggle my whole body. It wasn't as heavy, but it was still a little to heavy.

I forced myself to change back to my human form. Brining my legs to my chest I sat huddle in the middle of the cage. I slowly rocked to help calm myself.

Fear coursed through me like never before. I was the stupid one to run. I was the idiot to believe the he had any morse to see my feelings. Maybe with me gone he can fet on with his life.

Im sorry everyone but I believe this will be the last time I will see you.


here another chapter.

sorry for spelling and grammer mistakes

im typing all of this on my phone so Idk how long this is going to be. My labtop is broken and since im out from school I have no axcess to a computer.

anyways Ill try to upload as much as I can these next 2 weeks

until next time.......................

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