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Ima try to get anothwr chapter up in one day :3


Damian p.o.v

I followed Nami scent 5 miles out of the neutral area. Droplets fell on me as I contuined on my way. I left markings on the trees to lead the others in the right direction. With this storm mine and her scent will be washed away.

Her scent got stronger the closer I got to this giant metal building. Wolfsbane filled the air making me whine. It rolled off that metal trap.

A few people walked out and about outside the building. I watch them waiting for a good time to move. 'Damain' Charlie mindlinked me. 'What' I asked. 'Were close by' he said. 'Spread out and gather information. Try tp find a area to go in at' I said. 'Got it' he said.

I got up and walked amoung the bushes keeping to the shadows. I only see a few windows mainly above a two story line. One window laced on the ground.

I made my way over there and slide on my stomach along the ground. Nami smell was extremely strong here. Peering through the bars I found out that Nami was in there. The bars were silver and it burn slightly as I touch them.

Nami body was hudle in a cage. I could smell the salt from her tears. I let out a whine making her head snap up. The doors open and I backed away enough to see.

Three guys came in and unlocked her cage. Before they could grab Nami she shifted and hudle against the corner snapping. They injected her with a needle and her body fell.

Something inside me snapped seeing them drag her out and throwing her against the wall. Ignoreing the burning sensation from the silver I let out a blood curling howl letting the pack know to attack.

I could here there cries of war as they attack the building. I bang against the bars breaking them. The guys inside jumped looking up. I hit the bars again breaking them. Tumbling on the floor I scrambled up grabbing the nearest guy. He screamed in pain.

In the corner of my eye I could see one advancing with a serenge full of wolfsbane. I ripped flesh off the other person and turn biting that hand. The serenge fell to the ground rolling.

Sounds of wolves fighting got closer. A certain blonde male came in grabbing the third guy. I hit the guy who was trying to pick up the serenge into Anthony. He growled at me while tearing his head off.

Trotting up to Nami I nudge her body. She was breathing but asleep. Anthony walked up stark naked and picked her body up. 'Don't' I growled. 'Shut up. You lost her alpha. She's mine' he said walking out.

Nami eyes open as he walked away. Those eyes held so much pain and sadness as they stared me down. I banged my head against a iron door. I really was stupid to lose you.

Nami p.o.v

I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt Anthony only Damian, but now seeing as Damian was the one who contuined to search for me and fought my mind has gone in a whirl.

Apperently I was overdosed with Wolfsbane so I was in consent care. The pack doctor was always with me watching me. I haven't been able to move or see for a while. My eye sight dissapered after Anthony got me out. The wolfsbane took full control  of my body.

I was also stuck in wolf form since I couldn't feel my body at all. The doctor thinks it may be three days before I would be able to. Elenor been in and out helping me. Making sure I was able to eat and drink. Even tho I can't see her, her sweet scent let me know it was her. I could smell Damian a couple of times and see hus outline, but he never comes in.

Anthony was always around too. He would lay with me and stroke my fur. He would whisper sweet things in my ear. The bad thing about that is I imagine Damaian doing that and not Anthony.

TIMESKIP FOUR DAYS................

"Okay Nami can you please try and shift back sweety" Elenor asked. Robin was with her and my sight was back. I twitched my paw and moved up on my legs. I was shiverng as I turn back. My arms and legs felt like jelly.

Robin placed a blanket over my shoulders. "Are you okay?" she asked. Her stomach was huge and it bearly touched me. "It hurts" I manage out. My head pounded as well as my arms.

I tried to stand and fell forwards. "Damain" Elenor yelled. Footsteps could be heard as Damian scent hit me. Arms encircled my already worn out body and lifted me up.

"What happen" he asked sitting me down. "She tried to walk" Robin said. I curled up in my blanket and turn away from them. "Nami" Elenor said placing her hand on my back. I let some tears fall and curled tighter under neath the blankets.

"Its fine. She just going through withdraws" the doctor said. My stomach lurched and I sat up quickly grabbing it. "You goi g to be sick for a while. Alpha please help move her to her room, so I can get her some proper medicine" the doctor said.

Damian reached down lifting me up with ease. I laid my head against his warm chest. Listening to his heart beat lull me to sleep. All I remember was Anthony jelous look and some growling.



so i got another chapter up

once again

im typing on my phone so i have a lot of spelling and grammer mistakes

please be nice and no bad reviews

untill next time...





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