Pissed off witch

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Now this is the part of the story where everyone finds happily ever after


first out dear characters must go through a couple more problems then we can say happily ever after

ps.              Ill try and finish this story by tomorrow.  I have another story(has no connection to this one) posted called 
'I hate everything about you, so why do I love you?'

I know a long title but oh well my friends say thta the intro is making it seem like a amzing story.

Please go and read it after this one!!!!!


Nami p.o.v

"Alpha we have a problem" a random voice said. "What" Damian asked.

"The witch Kayla has gone out of control. She already injured 5 wolves and 1 human" he said. "Human" I asked. "Yes her friend Layla" he answered.

I pushed myself away from Damian and walked out. "Are Robin and her child okay" I asked. "Robin has a small injury, but the child is okay" he answered.

"I'm stopping that physcotic bitch" I said walking downstairs. Chairs and funiture were on fire and glass laid over the place.

Wolves were trying to stop her and most were thrown away like rag dolls. Kayla was dresses in a black dress stopping mid thigh with fish nets and heels. Her hair was a mess as she threw these light filled balls at everyone who got close.

"I'm not letting you get hurt" Damian said grabbing my hand. My wold agreed with his statement but I shipped her thoughts away. "If we don't then she'll destroy everything" I said. "I just got you back. Please don't do this" he said. "Trust me" I said turning and placing a hand on his cheek.

He sighed as I walk away with a trumpet smile. Watching I notice anyone getting 5 feet near her she fries. I began to walk around keeping in her blind spot.

Once she through a light ball at a different wolf I lunged shifting mid-air grabbing her arm. She let out a high pitch scream trying to throw me off. I bite harder gaining a good grip. She filled her other hand with a light ball and smashed it with my head.

I didn't let go, but that fucking hurt. I bite even harder to where bone was breaking. I let go and jumped up grabbing her other shoulder. Get rid of her means to muster power then she'll be easy to deal with. I didn't wait for her to trash. I bite down with all the power I could muster in my jaws. Bone parts filled my mouth as I tore her shoulder.

Jumping back I saw the witch fall to her knees. Black tears fell down her danity face. "You took everything away from me" she yelled. I snarled at her showing teeth. "No Kayla you did this your self" Layla said who hung from Mikey neck.

Her leg was burned and the smell of buring flesh made me want to puke. "Layla" she said standing up. "Down"Layla said. Kayla fell to her knees at the sound of her voice.

'Is she a witch?' I asked Mikey. 'I just found out. Actually only Kayla knew' he said. ."Kayla I have been asked by the council of witches to despose of you, but even tho you hurt me I can't hurt you. I put your life in the wolves hand" She said laying her head on Mikey shoulder.

Mikey helped her out of the room. I sat down on my hunches watching Kayla cry like a baby. 'Nami come here' Damian voice spoke clearly in my head. Even tho I wanted to end her life he lead me upstairs and in my room. 'Change and don't worry. I'll deal with her death as you change' he said.

I shifted back and rub my head. A small bruise could be seen. Stupid light ball! I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt. I shrugged on some underwear and a bra and slipped them on. Grabbing my black flats I put them on and ran downstairs.

I got there as they dragged a limpless body out. Others began to help clean up the pack house. Damain leaned against the wall amking phone calls to people to replace all the burnt stuff.

I made my way to where Robin sat with her arm bandage and holding her son. Charlie sat next to her and smiled. I kneeled in front of her and smiled at the bundle in her arms.

"Nami thank you" Robin said. I looked at her with a surprised face. "Why?" I asked. "Because thanks to you no more wolves were hurt. That's what we want to see in a Luna. Someone who puts the pack before her. I'm glad to call you our Luna" she said.

"Wait I haven't even been marked. I'm not the Luna yet" I said. "Well we should get started on that" Damain voice said startling me. My face flared red as I open my mouth at his statement.

"Come on. While there fixing the place up let's go somewhere" he said smiling. He place his hand out and I took it with a smile.


So this is a kinda cliffy kinda





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