Open eyes

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Nami p.o.v

My eyes flutter open as light made it way in them. I groaned and turn to my side. The sounds of a page being flip caught my attention. Robin sat beside me with a book in hand.

"You seem well" she said. "I feel like crap" I countered. She smiled and sat her book down. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "Three days" she answered. "My leg" I asked. "Its fine. Back to normal and no scarring" she said. I sat up and pulled the covers off and smiled. My leg seemed normal and not like it had been ripped out.

"Where's everyone?" I asked. "Charlie is fetching me some food. Mikey is with Damian who is also with Kayla and Layla. When we ditched them a the park they were mad, so Damian trying to make it better by buying her expensive stuff" she said. "Robin how do you think he views me" I asked. " Not to break you, but he told Charlie and Mikey he only sees you as a sister" she said.

I frowned and sighed out loud. "I need a bath" I said finally getting a whiff of my scent. "I thought you would, so I had Charlie draw you up a bath now" she said standing up. She wore a simple pale green dress with ruffles at the end. Holding out her hand I took it in mine and allowed her to pull me up.

I was a little unbalance, but once we hit the hallway I was a pro at walking again. We walked into my room where a dissapointed Charlie stood. Once he saw us his eyes perked up. "My two beautiful goddess" he said. "Hiya Charlie" I said. Robin gave him a quick peck before invsding my dresser. "Go take your bath and I'll lay you some clothes out, and Charlie dear please leave and let Damian know she's awake and text Eleanor that to" Robin said.

"Yes my dear" he replied walking out. "You have him wrapped around your finger" I said. "That's what happens when you find your mate" she said getting up. I moved to my bathroom and began to strip. Stepping into the water I let out a sigh of contempt. Robin walked in setting my stuff on the sink counter and left.

Three days huh? I never knew I was such a weakling. I'm just hiding behind a mask and that mask might get me killed.

Damain p.o.v

Kayla was pissed at me. I've been buying her jewelry and clothes. She finally let up after I bought her a necklace made of pure gold. "I'm sorry Damian for being a spoiled brat" she said cuddling to my side. We were at a restaurant with Mikey and Layla. Turns out Layla and Mikey are mates.

I took a sip from my drink when my phone vibrated. Looking at it I let out a sigh. Nami was awake and doing well. "Who is it" Kayla asked. "Remember when  I told you Nami had a accident and hasn't woke up for three days. I just got word that she just woke up and was doing fine" I said. "I hope she gets back up on her feet" she said. I kissed her cheek and smiled. "Your so sweet" I said. When I looked over Layla was giving Kayla a weird look. I don't know why, but I rather stay out of it.

Nami p.o.v

I had gotten out of the bath only moments ago, and was siting on the counter with a towel wrapped around me. I leaned my body against the cool wall. I had a slight fever, but it wasn't serious. I hopped off the counter and dried off slipping the clothes Robin laid out on; which was some daisy dukes and a black collared sleeveless shirt and a black undershirt. I brushed my hairband threw it into a bun. I hated wet hair on my skin as it dries.

I went barefoot down stairs. Robin and Charlie were sitting on the couch watching t.v.. "Yo" Charlie said waving a hand up without looking at me. My stomach growled and I went to the fridge. Of course we were out of everything. I needed food and the only way to do it was to get Charlies wallet. I went back over and leaned against the couch. Robin let a silent smile play her face knowing what I was up to. "Ccccchhhhhaaaaarrrrrllllliiiieeeee" I whined. "Wwwwhhhhaaaattt" he said looking at me. "Let me see your wallet" I demanded. "No" he said. "I'm hungry" I stated crawling over the couch in between them. "Last time I gave you my wallet you and Mikey went and pigged out making my bills large" he grumble. "I'll get pizza delivered here" I said. On cue his stomach let out  rumble. "Fine" he muttered.

I ran to the phone and order about 10 pizzas. Being a werewolf kinda sucks because were always hungry. A scout like me don't have to eat as much, but a full blown warrior can eat up to 20 pizzas by there selves. I skipped back to them and plopped on the couch beside Robin.

30 min.................

"Where's my pizza" I moaned. I was watching the door like a hawk. Charlie had passed out on the couch as Robin decided to read. Someone was unlocking the door causing me to perk up, but only Damian, Kayla, Mikey, and Layla came in. "Nice to see your well" Kayla said to me. I glared at her then the door. "Nami don't be rude" Damian scolded. "I don't think she will here you" Robin chuckled.

"Why" Mikey asked. "The girl had been waiting for some pizza" She answered. "PIZZA" Mikey yelled. Mikey was a addict of pizza. The boy couldn't stay away to save his life. Just then a knock erupted on the door. "Finally and he's late" I muttered leaping over the couch  I ran to the door opening it. A man with a large stack of pizza was there. "Your late so your not getting paid" I said taking five. Mikey had the other five and I slammed the door on the guy face.

"Food" I moaned. I gave Robin a box so she could eat and left one for Charlie. The other three were mine!! Mikey gave Damian two boxes. Since Kayla and Layla were human they don't eat much. I went to the table and made my self comfortable and began to scarf down all the food. Never get in between me and food.

After I finished my boxes I left the kitchen. Only Damian and Mikey were in here. "Where's Kayla and Layla" I asked. "Had to leave" Mikey answered. "Oh" I said. It was a awkward silence so I headed upstairs. Opening my door I left it slightly open letting Robin or whoever know its okay to come inside.

Not long after someone did and I was surprised to see Damian. I would think he would be mad at me for endangering my life and disobeying his order. "Nami we need to talk" he said. "About what" I replied. "Why did you disobey me" he asked. I knew it that's all he wanted to talk about. "I knew you would do whatever it takes to get me back. I can't let you sacrifice the children" I said. "I wasn't! I was going to lie and once you were safe the other half of the warriors were going to jump them" he snapped. 

Oh that explains everything. "Sorry" I muttered turning away form him. I was so stupid! How can I think he would do such a thing. He sighed and came closer. My body automatically froze as he got closer to me. "Sorry for snapping" he said. "It's fine" I said not turning. "Next time we send scouts you'll have warriors left with you" he said. I could only nod to this. 

"Please look at me" he said. I gulped and let out a shaky breath. I slowly turn towards him and look up. "That's better" he said. "Damian promise me something" I said. "What" he ask. "If she breaks your heart please don't shut down on the pack like you did with your father" I said. "Why don't you like Kayla. She's sweet and careing" he said. I snorted at his comment. "She's a player. She goes through boys like you like there's no tomorrow" I spat. 

"Do you not like her because you like me" he asked. I froze at those words and stopped my ranting. My chest had this burning feeling as I looked at him. I didn't say anything as I wanted him to say something. "Look Nami I know you have a crush on me, but I only see you as a sister okay. Get over these petity feelings you aquired" he said. MIkey, Robin, and Charlie were right outside my door peering inside.

"Okay Damian if that's what you want then have it that way. Get out of my room" I said pointing towards the door. He left without any other words being spoken. The others tried to come in, but I closed the door on them. "Sorry guys, but if Damian wants to be a ass then I'm not ever coming out again" I said. "You can't do that to your self" Robin argued. "Sorry guys" I muttered turning away from them. I climb back into my bed covering my head. I really wished I had a mom to help me through this, but I'm on my own.


Okay there's going to be a lot more to this story it is no where done, and don't worry guys this isn't the end 

Sorry If im confusing anyone :(

Hope you like!!!




and enjy

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