Search for children and fight for your life

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Nami p.o.v

Once we got to the Blood Knight pack area we decided to split up and search. I went with Fredrick to the eastern side. After awhile we came to a edge. 'No smell anywhere. I don't even know if there still in this area' Fredrick said. 'Keep trying' I said.

I began to make my way up the side. There was no wind at all and we've been gone for a long time. Then a soft wind shruge from the west. The faint scent of children hit me. I spun and ran in that direction with Fredrick behind me.

I was quick and fast not making a single sound. I would thino of myself like a ninja. We came to the edge of the trees. I stopped looking around the place. Infront of us was a rocky area. A huge cave was smack in the middle and the smell of wolves filled the air.

'Got them. Lets go sound the alarm' Fredrick said. We made are way back to the pack houses. I went in to change and call Damian. With all this going on I forgot that I was mad at him.

Because scouts are suppost to be able to move quickly we have a certain dress code. I know dumb right. Males usually have on shorts and a t-shirt and or pants. Females usually had leather pants and cut-off shirt. Mine was sleeveless and collarless. I slipped it on and my boots grabbing my phone.

Fredrick was out with pants and a jacket. "I'll call Damian you contact the other scouts" I said. He nodded running to the edge of the eastern side. I dialed his tone, but then I remember he probably in wolf form.

Concentrsting I caught the pack scent and headed that way. About a mile away a huge group of wolves froze as I came out. Damian stepped forward towards me. 'We've found the kids' I said.

'Good work where at' He asked. 'Lets get back to there pack houses and I can lead from there' I said. 'Nami your not fighting' he said. 'I know, but its a hard place to find without any wind' I snapped. He nodded and I lead them back.

Fredick, Josh, and Patrick stood in the middle dressed. "I'll head them out" I said. 'Wait I want Fredrick to lead us' Damain said. Fredrick looked at me and lead them. I clench my fist and punched a tree.

"Wow there" Josh said getting way to close for comfort. "Fuck off" I spat walking away. I sat down on a log and growled. How dare he make me wait here.I can take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter and a lovey dovey alpha jerk to tell me what to do.

A twig snapped to the left of us. The three of us got closer looking out. 20 ember eyes appeares with three humans. "What the..." Josh started but wolves pounced us.

I got away, but one of the male's wrapped there arms around me. I tried to struggle, but he tighten his grip. "We got there scouts. I'm amazed they have this one out" the male who had me said.

"Kill the males, but this one looks pretty hot to get rid of" another male said. He walked closer placing a finger under my chin forcing it up. I growled and snapped at him. "Fiesty one. Let her watch" he said moving away.

They forced me to watch them tear Josh and Patricks throats out. They all were laughing and tearing there bodies up. "Well let's visit your pack and those blood knights. Maybe with you I can get what I need" he said.

They drug me through the forest dragging Patricks and Josh body with us. We got to the rock area where my pack and the blood knights won the battle. Once we stepped out they turned and my pack got angry. Growls erupted, but Damian stopped them. He was in human form with a few others. "You must be alpha Damian" the male by me said. I can tell this one was a alpha. "Why do you have my scout" Damian growled.

"We have more then just this scout. Boys" he said turning towards the ones with the dead bodies. They threw the bodies out in the middle. The pack froze at the sight of there bloody members. "I have a deal, and if you want her back in one piece I would listen" he said.

The guy who had me grip got tighter. I hissed in pain as he did this. Damian saw and fear flooded his face. If I could just get away I could outrun them, but then again if i'm caught they'll kill me.

"We'll listen" Damian said. "Give us the children of this pack and yours and no one is allowed to hurt us" he said. "Damian don't agree" I yelled. Hands went around my neck slowly adidng pressure. "Shut up" he hissed.

Did he just tell me to shut up. 'Don't do stupid things' Damian snapped. 'YOU KNOW IF YOU WERE IN MY SHOES YOU WOULDN'T CARE' I yelled. 'Nami your being rash' he said back. 'Listen i'm going to try and get away be ready' I said. 'Wait Nami don't' he started but I was already moving.

Stomping my heel extremely hard on his bare feet he yelled out letting go. No time to faulter and stop. Sprinting out I made a mad dash to the others. The rouges were right behind me there mouths snapping. One nip my leg but I didn't feel any pain.

I ran by the first line of snarling wolves and fell to my knees towards the middle. Panting I turn to see a battle going on. I got up moving towards the back and fell again holding my leg. Blood flowed down my jeans. I hissed in pain turing so I can watch. Our pack had killed everyone and was full of adreline.

The children all cuddle towards the back as the female warriors tended to their wounds. I clutch my leg resting against the rocks. Paws padded up towards me. Mikey and Charlie laid on their stomachs whining at me.

'Nami are you okay' Mikey asked  I relased my wound blood plater my hands  'Shit when did that happen' Charlie said jumping up. ' As I was running. One of the rouges got me' I whispered. Pain throb through my head as I whimpered. 'That looks really bad. Your loseing to much bloode. Not to mention stiches are going to be needed. They tore a chunk out' Mikey said.

'Im so tired' I mummbled. 'NAMI OPEN YOUR EYES' Charlie yelled. A warm wet tongue licked at my face. I open my eyes to see Mikey licking me. 'Mikey' I said. ' Where's Damian. His Alpha saliva will heal this faster' Charlie snapped at a wolf.

Not long after Damian's wolf comes running up to us. 'What happen' he asked. 'A rogue tore a chunk of ger leg. She loseing to much blood' Charlie said. He looked at me and leaned down. 'This will hurt' he said. Once his tongimue hit the wound I screamed. Both Mikey and Charlie had to change back to normal not careing for others to see them and held me down.

Pain erupted all through my body making me jerk everywhere. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed. Damain stopped and whimpered. The boys back up shifting back to cover up. 'That going to have to hold till we get back' he said. 'Come on Nami climb on my back' he said laying down. I manage to climb on grippig his fur.

Once my head hit his warm fur my eyes were out and I was asleep.


Here you go another chapter









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