The battle to be Alpha and the battle to be Luna(Part 1)

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Nami p.o.v

Weeks have flown by after the ordeal with Kayla. Damian manage to keep me busy, so I haven't got to hurt her. We didn't go to the dance due to Damian emotions of might seeing her again so soon. Two weeks have passed and know a new task is ahead. The battles will began soon.

 But before this all happens; something happen to Damian. He has grown silent ever since he came home from a party. Charlie and MIkey had gone with him, but they didn't know what happen. Robin interrogated Charlie and said he didn't know anything. I was planning to work Mikey over, but a knock came to the door.

I was the only one up and answered it. A older women who looked like Kayla mom appeared. "WHERE IS HE" she yelled. "Who" I asked keeping calm. "That bastard who knocked my baby girl up" she sneered. "What" I said. "She pregnant you idiot" she said. "It can't be his. Have you checked her other boys" I said. Her hand struck me whipping my head around. 

"Don't you ever say anything bad about her like that" she said. If she wasn't a human I would've hit back, but I cant do anything at the moment. "I'm just saying the truth" I said. "Wait are you the girl who terrorizing my baby" she asked. "Terrorizing?" I asked. "Yes sending her awful messages and threatening her life" she said. "NO" I yelled.

"Will see about that. I'm calling the police on you" she said slanting down the road. Slamming the door closed I could here footsteps running down. Mikey flashed in and scared me. "Who was that" he asked. "Kayla mother. I need to talk to Damian before I get hauled to jail" I said. "Wait why" he asked. "She thinks I've been threatening Kayla life" I spat walking up the stairs. Damian room had been fixed after the ordeal and I barged right in.

Damian was texting someone and when I slam open his door he jumped. "Nami" he said. "What the hell is going on" I asked. "What do you mean" he asked. "Apparently Kayla is pregnant and her mother is pissed. I'm getting sent to jail for something I didn't do, and all I can say is are you really the father" I said. "No I'm not. She sent a message to one of her friends saying that I wasn't, but she wanted revenge for me not taking her back" he said. 

"What do you mean not taking her back" I said. "You want to know why I went silent for a while? It's because she came asking for me to take her back" he said. "Great so how do I get mixed into this" I said. "I don't know, but your not going to jail" he said. "Then where am I going" I said. "Tonight is the battles, so why don't you hang out in the woods all day. If the police show up will tell them that you left" he said. 

"I'm going alone" I asked. "No ask Robin if she would like to go with you" he said. "Fine, but you better be ready tonight Damian. Your a good Alpha, and to make sure you don't get stuck with some bitch I'll fight in the bitches fight" I said. "Why" he asked. "Because Damian. Each day I go out to get some fresh air all these girls talk about is winning and using you. It makes me sick to think of you in that situation. You don't have to choose me, and if I win you can simply reject me and not worry about a mate for a little while" I said. 

"I can't do that to you" he said. "It's your choice" I said walking out. I've only heard some things about rejection. It hurts females the worst and leaves them feeling empty. I'll give up my life to make sure that idiot is happy. I made him that promise when were little. It doesn't matter if he walks all over me with other girls. I love him a lot, and would gladly allow these things.

I walk to Charlie and Robins room. Noises could be heard inside making my face redden. MIkey came up stairs with a chip bag and did the same like me, but gagged. "Mikey want to hide out with me" I asked. "Sure anything to get away from these sickos" he said. I busted out laughing at his face. 

"It's okay your going to be making those noises with Layla soon" I said to tease the poor boy. His face turn extremely red and he hide behind his chips and walked away. I guess I was going out alone till I heard banging on the door. The smell of donuts and metal sliced the air. Damian came behind me and scared the shit out of me. 

"Hide somewhere" he said. "Where they'll find me" I hissed. "Once they get in the house take out the window and into the woods. Get away and wait for me to call you" he said. I took off to my room ready to jump once the policemen got into the house. 

"Hello sir we need to speak with Nami" one of them said. "I don't know who that is" Damian answered. "Sir if you do not give her up we will have to take you in as well" he said. "You can check the house" he said. I heard foot steps come in and I lept through the window. I landed on my ankle wrong and hissed. 

Taking off to the woods I made my way to the clearing where the battles would commence. It was far away from society and no one would be able to here us. 'They did a search of the place, and were convinced you don't live here. I'll be out there soon to give you company' Damian voice echoed in my head. 

'Ok' I said. I leaned against a tree whipping sweat that had formed on my forehead. The sun was out and the temperture had risen. Soon the battles will began and soon my fate may be handed down to his hands. Just please  don't reject me Damian.


I ment to upload this chapter yesterday, but my internet was down. I'm using the school's computer to upload this

Hope you like










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